Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday night and I am at home.. Pathetic.. Dad is away for a wedding dinner so yeah.. I am home to accompany mom. So I actually watched an MU game with her. Before first half was over, I was practically asleep. Hehe.. Thank God for the books I bought today. Spent RM150 in Popular today. Will be engrossed in my novels from now on. Will last me till induction day I hope. Bleorgh..
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Today 20 patients had their hair cut. FOC!! There were 5 hairdressers all together so work was pretty fast. I thought everyone look good. At the end of it, 2 barrels of KFC was waiting for everyone. On top of it, there was lunch prepared by I-don’t-know-who, French fries, fruits(watermelon, papayas, plums) murukku and chocolates. A patient said to me today “I dreamt you are posted far away. I couldn’t see you. I was so sad.” So sweet huh??
Second sis won a badminton game today. 15-0, 15-3 (the old scoring system, how outdated!) Doubles!!! My sis whose vocabulary does not include EXERCISE actually won a game and with such huge margin. My sis who is so lazy that she can’t climb a flight of stairs (AT HOME!) without whinning. Mom’s only response “Your opponents can’t be more blind.” I totally agree.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Today my duty in HOSPIS was to keep an eye on a 9 years old child who was suffering from cyanotic heart disease. I think a volunteer mentioned that he has Tetralogy of Fallot. He was cyanosed and he had marked clubbing. Anyway it was one of the more exhausting days I have in HOSPIS. For a kid who complains of breathlessness, he was active. He wanted to explore every nook and cranny of HOSPIS. Well he couldn’t walk anymore than 50 metres before he gets tires out easily. So I pretty much had to bring him around with a wheel chair. He was one chirpy talkative kid. The only thing that displeased him? HOSPIS was not equipped with Play Station 2. By the end of the day, I was probably the one who was breathless. But I can’t resist his request. He was just too cute. Tells me that having my own kids would probably just be as tiring if not worse.
Ok I’ve been asked a gazillion times, where did I apply for internship? Most close family members and friends know. So if you guys are interested, message me and I’ll tell you. Well GHKL is my first and only choice in KL. The rest ask me yourself. I can hear the gasps. ONLY ONE KL CHOICE? Yeah I have my reasons.
1. If all KL hosps are full, I do not want to end up in Kangar.
2. After much thought over the year ( I was debating between staying in Msia or not), I finally decided that I wanted a more laid back lifestyle for the next couple of years first.
3. I want to be close to my family but I also want my freedom. I do not have to justify my every move
4. KL traffic is sickening.
5. I’ll get thrown out after 2 years, so what difference does it make?
6. I won’t get to shop and spend as much.
But if I do get KL, of course I’ll be more than happy. Reasons:
1. Mom cooks for me, maid to do my laundry and clean my room
2. Shopping haven. Enough said.
3. My beautician is here. A huge factor.
4. I get to see the HOSPIS patients more frequent.
5. The bulk of friends are here.
6. Don’t have to waste annual leaves to come back KL.
So I am still going to do USMLE? I really don’t know. Mom said if she ever strikes the 20 million lottery, she’ll send me on the next flight to UK to pursue MRCOG. No need to work. Since it is hardly to occur, I didn’t bother correcting her that it is not easy to practice in UK with a local degree. Half a year ago, I was superbly determined to go ahead with USMLE. That was until a lecturer told me that doing OnG in US has its cons. Different ethics, protocols and what’s not. Initially was I still skeptical. Well it wasn’t until that I found out that I was not able to make it for next year’s entrance, I let the thought go. Dad was more than relieved. On the other hand, I could still make it for MRCOG part 1 early next year. But at the rate I am NOT studying this hols, we’ll see. Late next year seems like a better option. But that would be taken in Spore. The good thing about the new internship now is that we can specialize right after. So if I do get a place to do my masters with the part 1 results then I’ll probably stay. Another lecturer has drawn the options and ways for me to do the masters here. I am thankful. So the steps are laid out. My second options? PAeds or Psychiatry I suppose. If things don’t according to plans, I’ll probably leave. So as said, we’ll see… Dad is keen on me doing opthal or geriatrics. He has this thing for these 2 specialties. Preferably something less taxing or demanding. Nah.. doubt I would.
p/s: unfortunately I am unable to attend our sponsor’s open house this Thursday.
Ok I’ve been asked a gazillion times, where did I apply for internship? Most close family members and friends know. So if you guys are interested, message me and I’ll tell you. Well GHKL is my first and only choice in KL. The rest ask me yourself. I can hear the gasps. ONLY ONE KL CHOICE? Yeah I have my reasons.
1. If all KL hosps are full, I do not want to end up in Kangar.
2. After much thought over the year ( I was debating between staying in Msia or not), I finally decided that I wanted a more laid back lifestyle for the next couple of years first.
3. I want to be close to my family but I also want my freedom. I do not have to justify my every move
4. KL traffic is sickening.
5. I’ll get thrown out after 2 years, so what difference does it make?
6. I won’t get to shop and spend as much.
But if I do get KL, of course I’ll be more than happy. Reasons:
1. Mom cooks for me, maid to do my laundry and clean my room
2. Shopping haven. Enough said.
3. My beautician is here. A huge factor.
4. I get to see the HOSPIS patients more frequent.
5. The bulk of friends are here.
6. Don’t have to waste annual leaves to come back KL.
So I am still going to do USMLE? I really don’t know. Mom said if she ever strikes the 20 million lottery, she’ll send me on the next flight to UK to pursue MRCOG. No need to work. Since it is hardly to occur, I didn’t bother correcting her that it is not easy to practice in UK with a local degree. Half a year ago, I was superbly determined to go ahead with USMLE. That was until a lecturer told me that doing OnG in US has its cons. Different ethics, protocols and what’s not. Initially was I still skeptical. Well it wasn’t until that I found out that I was not able to make it for next year’s entrance, I let the thought go. Dad was more than relieved. On the other hand, I could still make it for MRCOG part 1 early next year. But at the rate I am NOT studying this hols, we’ll see. Late next year seems like a better option. But that would be taken in Spore. The good thing about the new internship now is that we can specialize right after. So if I do get a place to do my masters with the part 1 results then I’ll probably stay. Another lecturer has drawn the options and ways for me to do the masters here. I am thankful. So the steps are laid out. My second options? PAeds or Psychiatry I suppose. If things don’t according to plans, I’ll probably leave. So as said, we’ll see… Dad is keen on me doing opthal or geriatrics. He has this thing for these 2 specialties. Preferably something less taxing or demanding. Nah.. doubt I would.
p/s: unfortunately I am unable to attend our sponsor’s open house this Thursday.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Close to 3 months since graduation, I still wonder how I manage to graduate. It was not easy. God I am thankful. So decided to write on the different components of our final exams. About 2 years ago, Sem 10 exam was merely an exit exam. It was the sem 9 finals that were considered stressful and painful for students. But in keeping with LAN’s requirements, Sem 10 now is considered a professional exam. I know because I was still in the student council when the change took place.
1) CFCS viva
Stand for Community and Family Case study. Students are paired up in their third year and they take on a patient for 2 years. My partner and I chose a case of Down’s Syndrome. The 2 years were good. We got along well. My darling patient now 6 years old and his family were really cooperative. At the end of 2 years, I came up with a 120 pages report. My journals include correlation of cancer and Down’s Syndrome, role of nuchal translucency test in pregnancy and the role of the new quadruple test in pregnancy in determining Down’s Syndrome. The viva was in May. I had Dr. Sheila (OnG) and Prof. Moti (Paediatrics) as examiners. Before entering the room, I seriously thought I had it. Down’s syndrome and pregnancy testing?? These are subject experts we are talking about. Questions I got?
i. Eating habits in Down’s Syndrome and its importance
ii. Diagnostic test for Down’s Syndrome and it’s duration
iii. The 3 studies I mentioned above
I am counting my lucky star that the interview went through smoothly. Came out with an 80 plus if I remember correctly. I was delighted. The 2 years effort paid off.
2) Long Case
This is a new component introduced in Sem 10 finals 3 batches ago. This was to us the killer of all. Students were divided over 4 days. As my sir name starts with a ‘W’ so it’s no surprise my exams would be on the last day. But it was cool, that day we had YC, HL, Steven, CK, Teng, Teresa, KY, ZS, Annas.. We were quarantined together. By lucky pick each student would be assigned to a room. Each room had a patient in it. It can be anything ranging from psychiatry, medicine, surgery, OnG or orthopedics. WE WOULD NOT KNOW!! Till the minute we walk into the room of course. So students were given an hour alone to take a history, examine, plan the investigations and management for the patient. Then we would be taken to another room where the examiners are waiting.
You know the night before I was praying so hard. I was like “God, give me anything but an orthopedic case.” I hate orthopedics. Too many, it is one of the easiest subject, but it is the only posting I failed in my 5 years of medical school. So you can imagine how traumatized I was with it. I was actually hoping hard for an OnG case. Haha.
So when I walked into the room, I saw a young guy (a policeman) and I asked for his problem, the answer I got?? “Sakit lutut!!” I seriously nearly fainted. Just to be double sure “U datAng hari ini kerana sakit lutut sahaja?” he nodded. For a moment, I thought I was doomed for good. All those thoughts of failing my finals were starting to crawl in. I breathed, told God that he has a weird sense of humour, told myself I can do this and got started. The female nurse chaperon I got was sweet. After history and examination (thank goodness I manage to stay calm), I realized his knee was LOOSE. It took awhile before I realized he had what we call ‘AN UNHAPPY TRIAD.’ Torn ligaments and meniscus. That took most of my time, but the good thing of orthopedic, investigations and treatment need not require too much time as long as the principals are on the finger tips. The bell rang right on the dot when I completed running through everything mentally once. Walked into the examiners’ room.
Facing me was Datuk Shong (orthopedics), Dr. Lionel (surgeon) and Dato Jai (paediatrics). Yes it was intimidating having all the big shots but truth is, I can’t ask for a nicer combination of examiners. They were so nice especially when I personally think my orthopedic knowledge is completely zero. All 3 took me back to the patient. They wanted to see my knee examination skills. After awhile I actually told Dr. Lionel “I am exhausted carrying the patient’s knee.” It was seriously hard work when I had to examine every ligaments and meniscus of both knees under pressure. Not to mention that the patient was a nicely built policeman. Read an x ray, MRI, gave my plan of management and I was out of there. I was so panicky that I forgot what RICE stood for at that moment. Rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Arghh… The only thing that seen me through this exam? My dad had a knee injury from a previous hockey game. So I had played around with my daddy’s knee a couple of time. It has helped. Other exam cases varied from schizophrenia, cholangiocarcinoma, gouty arthritis, COAD, colon ca, portal hypertension, thalassemia, Pott’s disease, benign prostate hypertrophy, CML, pregnancy, PPROM, small for gestational age, VSD, hemophilia, Dushenne’s disease (crazy), opiods dependence and loads more..
3) Portfolio viva
We were given 5 minutes break after the long case and we were whisked off to another exam room for our portfolio viva. Each student having done 10 portfolios throughout sem 10 would now be questioned on their work. We were to know all 10 of our patients to the very minute details. Facing me this time was Prof Boo (an external from HUKM, paediatrics, no she is not our Prof Boo, a different one), Prof. Esha (medicine) and Prof Ramesh (Paediatric Surgeon). Gulp! Anyhow the 2 portfolios I got asked on were G6PD deficiency (paediatrics) and bronchial carcinoma (medicine). Questions I got:
i. Can we keep mothballs at home if the child has G6PD def? NO!!! It evaporates on to the mother’s clothes. The child is at risk of inhaling it.
ii. Differentiate hemolytic jaundice from other causes of jaundice.
iii. Different causes of red colour urine in a child.
iv. Principal of blood transfusion in a paediatric patient
v. How to follow up on patients with hemolytic anemia
vi. Drugs to avoid in G6PD def.
vii. Different types of bronchial ca, how to diff them by presentation, management and prognosis
viii. Smoking and lung cancer. Other risk factors?
ix. Palliative care/DNR
x. Spread of lung tumour. Pancoast tumour/ trachea/esophagus/blood vessels…
xi. Role of bronchoscopy.
xii. My journal on usage of staphylococcal antigens as pleurodesis
There were loads more questions but I can’t remember. It was not too bad since I knew my patients well enough. But the half an hour felt like a year. And the questions came on like a bullet train. I was just regurgitating answers based on memory. I wasn’t even thinking.
Seriously I am only grateful that I made it through. Sem 10 was not as relaxing as it seems. Probably with the new requirements and all. The examiners I got were great each time. I am actually proud to say that I am an IMU product. Regardless of what others might say, we were trained well. Do not think that we’ll lose out when we step out into the society. And they released 90 plus of us out there. Only had wish if the other 7 had joined us. So the joy was short lived for many of us friends. But ask me again to go through Sem 10 finals? I would probably not make it the second time. STRESSFUL TO THE MAX!
For those of you guys going through it early next year, ALL THE BEST and will pray for you. Lots of love..
1) CFCS viva
Stand for Community and Family Case study. Students are paired up in their third year and they take on a patient for 2 years. My partner and I chose a case of Down’s Syndrome. The 2 years were good. We got along well. My darling patient now 6 years old and his family were really cooperative. At the end of 2 years, I came up with a 120 pages report. My journals include correlation of cancer and Down’s Syndrome, role of nuchal translucency test in pregnancy and the role of the new quadruple test in pregnancy in determining Down’s Syndrome. The viva was in May. I had Dr. Sheila (OnG) and Prof. Moti (Paediatrics) as examiners. Before entering the room, I seriously thought I had it. Down’s syndrome and pregnancy testing?? These are subject experts we are talking about. Questions I got?
i. Eating habits in Down’s Syndrome and its importance
ii. Diagnostic test for Down’s Syndrome and it’s duration
iii. The 3 studies I mentioned above
I am counting my lucky star that the interview went through smoothly. Came out with an 80 plus if I remember correctly. I was delighted. The 2 years effort paid off.
2) Long Case
This is a new component introduced in Sem 10 finals 3 batches ago. This was to us the killer of all. Students were divided over 4 days. As my sir name starts with a ‘W’ so it’s no surprise my exams would be on the last day. But it was cool, that day we had YC, HL, Steven, CK, Teng, Teresa, KY, ZS, Annas.. We were quarantined together. By lucky pick each student would be assigned to a room. Each room had a patient in it. It can be anything ranging from psychiatry, medicine, surgery, OnG or orthopedics. WE WOULD NOT KNOW!! Till the minute we walk into the room of course. So students were given an hour alone to take a history, examine, plan the investigations and management for the patient. Then we would be taken to another room where the examiners are waiting.
You know the night before I was praying so hard. I was like “God, give me anything but an orthopedic case.” I hate orthopedics. Too many, it is one of the easiest subject, but it is the only posting I failed in my 5 years of medical school. So you can imagine how traumatized I was with it. I was actually hoping hard for an OnG case. Haha.
So when I walked into the room, I saw a young guy (a policeman) and I asked for his problem, the answer I got?? “Sakit lutut!!” I seriously nearly fainted. Just to be double sure “U datAng hari ini kerana sakit lutut sahaja?” he nodded. For a moment, I thought I was doomed for good. All those thoughts of failing my finals were starting to crawl in. I breathed, told God that he has a weird sense of humour, told myself I can do this and got started. The female nurse chaperon I got was sweet. After history and examination (thank goodness I manage to stay calm), I realized his knee was LOOSE. It took awhile before I realized he had what we call ‘AN UNHAPPY TRIAD.’ Torn ligaments and meniscus. That took most of my time, but the good thing of orthopedic, investigations and treatment need not require too much time as long as the principals are on the finger tips. The bell rang right on the dot when I completed running through everything mentally once. Walked into the examiners’ room.
Facing me was Datuk Shong (orthopedics), Dr. Lionel (surgeon) and Dato Jai (paediatrics). Yes it was intimidating having all the big shots but truth is, I can’t ask for a nicer combination of examiners. They were so nice especially when I personally think my orthopedic knowledge is completely zero. All 3 took me back to the patient. They wanted to see my knee examination skills. After awhile I actually told Dr. Lionel “I am exhausted carrying the patient’s knee.” It was seriously hard work when I had to examine every ligaments and meniscus of both knees under pressure. Not to mention that the patient was a nicely built policeman. Read an x ray, MRI, gave my plan of management and I was out of there. I was so panicky that I forgot what RICE stood for at that moment. Rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Arghh… The only thing that seen me through this exam? My dad had a knee injury from a previous hockey game. So I had played around with my daddy’s knee a couple of time. It has helped. Other exam cases varied from schizophrenia, cholangiocarcinoma, gouty arthritis, COAD, colon ca, portal hypertension, thalassemia, Pott’s disease, benign prostate hypertrophy, CML, pregnancy, PPROM, small for gestational age, VSD, hemophilia, Dushenne’s disease (crazy), opiods dependence and loads more..
3) Portfolio viva
We were given 5 minutes break after the long case and we were whisked off to another exam room for our portfolio viva. Each student having done 10 portfolios throughout sem 10 would now be questioned on their work. We were to know all 10 of our patients to the very minute details. Facing me this time was Prof Boo (an external from HUKM, paediatrics, no she is not our Prof Boo, a different one), Prof. Esha (medicine) and Prof Ramesh (Paediatric Surgeon). Gulp! Anyhow the 2 portfolios I got asked on were G6PD deficiency (paediatrics) and bronchial carcinoma (medicine). Questions I got:
i. Can we keep mothballs at home if the child has G6PD def? NO!!! It evaporates on to the mother’s clothes. The child is at risk of inhaling it.
ii. Differentiate hemolytic jaundice from other causes of jaundice.
iii. Different causes of red colour urine in a child.
iv. Principal of blood transfusion in a paediatric patient
v. How to follow up on patients with hemolytic anemia
vi. Drugs to avoid in G6PD def.
vii. Different types of bronchial ca, how to diff them by presentation, management and prognosis
viii. Smoking and lung cancer. Other risk factors?
ix. Palliative care/DNR
x. Spread of lung tumour. Pancoast tumour/ trachea/esophagus/blood vessels…
xi. Role of bronchoscopy.
xii. My journal on usage of staphylococcal antigens as pleurodesis
There were loads more questions but I can’t remember. It was not too bad since I knew my patients well enough. But the half an hour felt like a year. And the questions came on like a bullet train. I was just regurgitating answers based on memory. I wasn’t even thinking.
Seriously I am only grateful that I made it through. Sem 10 was not as relaxing as it seems. Probably with the new requirements and all. The examiners I got were great each time. I am actually proud to say that I am an IMU product. Regardless of what others might say, we were trained well. Do not think that we’ll lose out when we step out into the society. And they released 90 plus of us out there. Only had wish if the other 7 had joined us. So the joy was short lived for many of us friends. But ask me again to go through Sem 10 finals? I would probably not make it the second time. STRESSFUL TO THE MAX!
For those of you guys going through it early next year, ALL THE BEST and will pray for you. Lots of love..
I needed to stock up with toiletries and hair treatment products. Any excuse to get to the mall. Before I left home, both my younger sisters wanted 2 birthday presents each. I said fine. It’s not the first time I’ve been buying presies for them. Well like their eldest sister (yours truly), they are social bees too. On their birthdays, they do get a lot of presents. So mom said “u got to return the favour.” Yeah, that means they both have to return gifts to their strings of best friends. I usually don’t have a problem since I’ll always pop by Living Cabin (a more affordable version of Memory Lane) to get the presies. Music boxes, cute photo frames, soft toys, small mannequins… things that school girls would probably go “it’s soooooo cute…”
So imagine my horror today (after agreeing to buy their presies) that second sis wanted a gift for a boy. I was like “ WHAT????” She shrugged. “He gave me a gift so I’m returning it.” You see all my life when I am shopping for a gift for a guy, it has either got to be my daddy, bro or bf. So in every sense of word, when I buy a present meant for a guy, it does not come cheap. Minimally RM200. Watch, wallet, branded shirts, perfume, whiskey, electronical gadgets, ties (even these don’t come cheap, branded ones).. I don’t sting when it comes to the men in my life. Today I am not only to shop for a 14 years old boy that I have never met, it has got to be cheap according to my sister. Since she is forking it out of her own pocket, her budget was RM20. What did the boy got for her birthday? A fur bolster with the word ‘KISS’ on it. The pic is on my Friendster. I didn’t bother asking her if that guy was even her bf. I might end up snitching on her to my parents. I should have asked her if she wanted a teddy bear with a huge ‘I LOVE YOU’ on it. smirk!!!
So I set out hunting for the right gift. I saw Donald duck and Tweety bird ties. They cost RM19.90 each. I was so tempted to get one of those. Haha.. But the only tie a 14 years old wears would probably be the school tie. I did not want to risk getting stuck with a cartoon tie and not getting my money back from my sis. Cursing to myself (I can’t do my shopping unless I get the chore done), I headed for Living Cabin. As I walked in, a couple of guys glanced my way (nothing new). Ignored it (nothing new also) and started ransacking for gifts. I was already gloomy as it is, so if those guys come to close I might just bite. One of the asshole walked across the alley opposite bend a little, peered and smiled at me in between the racks. Guys with punky dyed hair plus piercings, ughh.. I just can’t take it. If looks could have killed, I would probably murder him there and then. A girl walked in at that moment. I assume it’s his gf since she gave me a piercing stare in return. Seriously it’s your bf that you got to be worried about. Not me. Gosh… Wanting to get away from that place so desperately, I grabbed one huge photo frame (for the boy, don’t care what my sis says), a teddy bear lamp, a cow soft toy, a music box, wrapping papers and ribbons. Quickly paid for them and I was out of there. Then mom wanted hand cream. Next stop, WATSON.
Have to be home by 4pm with the presies. Youngest sis has a birthday bash at 5pm. I remember my SSM’s days. We were always attending birthday parties at homes, condo or sports’ clubs. Now it’s clubs, clubs, clubs with the additional presence of alcohol. I was telling my sis “What kind of party starts at 5? You should make your entrance at 8.” My sweet 16 didn’t start till 830pm if I recall.
So imagine my horror today (after agreeing to buy their presies) that second sis wanted a gift for a boy. I was like “ WHAT????” She shrugged. “He gave me a gift so I’m returning it.” You see all my life when I am shopping for a gift for a guy, it has either got to be my daddy, bro or bf. So in every sense of word, when I buy a present meant for a guy, it does not come cheap. Minimally RM200. Watch, wallet, branded shirts, perfume, whiskey, electronical gadgets, ties (even these don’t come cheap, branded ones).. I don’t sting when it comes to the men in my life. Today I am not only to shop for a 14 years old boy that I have never met, it has got to be cheap according to my sister. Since she is forking it out of her own pocket, her budget was RM20. What did the boy got for her birthday? A fur bolster with the word ‘KISS’ on it. The pic is on my Friendster. I didn’t bother asking her if that guy was even her bf. I might end up snitching on her to my parents. I should have asked her if she wanted a teddy bear with a huge ‘I LOVE YOU’ on it. smirk!!!
So I set out hunting for the right gift. I saw Donald duck and Tweety bird ties. They cost RM19.90 each. I was so tempted to get one of those. Haha.. But the only tie a 14 years old wears would probably be the school tie. I did not want to risk getting stuck with a cartoon tie and not getting my money back from my sis. Cursing to myself (I can’t do my shopping unless I get the chore done), I headed for Living Cabin. As I walked in, a couple of guys glanced my way (nothing new). Ignored it (nothing new also) and started ransacking for gifts. I was already gloomy as it is, so if those guys come to close I might just bite. One of the asshole walked across the alley opposite bend a little, peered and smiled at me in between the racks. Guys with punky dyed hair plus piercings, ughh.. I just can’t take it. If looks could have killed, I would probably murder him there and then. A girl walked in at that moment. I assume it’s his gf since she gave me a piercing stare in return. Seriously it’s your bf that you got to be worried about. Not me. Gosh… Wanting to get away from that place so desperately, I grabbed one huge photo frame (for the boy, don’t care what my sis says), a teddy bear lamp, a cow soft toy, a music box, wrapping papers and ribbons. Quickly paid for them and I was out of there. Then mom wanted hand cream. Next stop, WATSON.
Have to be home by 4pm with the presies. Youngest sis has a birthday bash at 5pm. I remember my SSM’s days. We were always attending birthday parties at homes, condo or sports’ clubs. Now it’s clubs, clubs, clubs with the additional presence of alcohol. I was telling my sis “What kind of party starts at 5? You should make your entrance at 8.” My sweet 16 didn’t start till 830pm if I recall.
Daddy was the probably happiest man on earth since the day I finish med school. First, his eldest brat (me!!) is now a doctor and secondly he is counting his returns. Ughh.. that is the scary part for me. He and Uncle Ronnie share this personal joke. They were going to an Indian temple to get their names changed. MANIKAM (money come)!!! It’s pay back time for their working kids. Uncle Ronnie has finally come back for good after staying in the US for 17 years. I love him!!!
Anyway daddy was busy doing some calculations last night. Initially I have no idea what. Then he produced a slip of paper and proudly said “I’ll manage your funds till you have your own family.” GULP!!! I mean it’s good to have my daddy watch my funds, invest the money and he’s a pro in it. But it would also mean that my spending would still be monitored. So the slip of paper goes:
My nett pay is divided to:
30% savings
5% unit trust
15% parental returns
40% own use
Double GULPS!!!
Yes yes daddy said a million times, in order to survive in times of recession (which is soon), one need to have a minimal of 30% of nett pay monthly or 8 months pay in savings to survive through bad times. The 40% covers rental, utilities (if I don’t get KL), petrol, makan (l should be able to cut down here), facial (compulsory) and shopping (hopefully I won’t have the time to go ughh..). Actually 40% is more than enough to survive for the month but… I dunno la.. told daddy I’ll think about it. I have the sudden urge to apply to East Malaysia. Get that extra Rm1000. Arghh...
Anyway daddy was busy doing some calculations last night. Initially I have no idea what. Then he produced a slip of paper and proudly said “I’ll manage your funds till you have your own family.” GULP!!! I mean it’s good to have my daddy watch my funds, invest the money and he’s a pro in it. But it would also mean that my spending would still be monitored. So the slip of paper goes:
My nett pay is divided to:
30% savings
5% unit trust
15% parental returns
40% own use
Double GULPS!!!
Yes yes daddy said a million times, in order to survive in times of recession (which is soon), one need to have a minimal of 30% of nett pay monthly or 8 months pay in savings to survive through bad times. The 40% covers rental, utilities (if I don’t get KL), petrol, makan (l should be able to cut down here), facial (compulsory) and shopping (hopefully I won’t have the time to go ughh..). Actually 40% is more than enough to survive for the month but… I dunno la.. told daddy I’ll think about it. I have the sudden urge to apply to East Malaysia. Get that extra Rm1000. Arghh...
Was ransacking my room and I found a couple of miniature vodkas (I completely forgot their existence). Must have brought them way back. Pure vodka, fruity mix and what’s not. So I opened the bottle with the fruity mix and took a gulp. YUCK!! If I had to go cold turkey on alcohol, this would probably be the drink to give me. It tasted so bad in my opinion anyway. What possess me to buy it in the first place? But I needed the bottle and lucky for me, my mom just stocked the fridge with lemons. So yeah had to squeeze a couple of lemons and put tons of ice to get rid of the fruity taste. Blueorgh…. Gave half to my mom (I learnt to drink from my mom by the way) and I dunked the rest down. Ikksss… I am drinking alcohol in bright day light. Does that mean I am an alcoholic already? Haha..
Reminds me that daddy gave Uncle Ronnie (mom’s older brother) a bottle of chivas 12 for his birthday. So yup, Hoi L eng (cousie) and me were helping ourselves to it. Man, that girl can drink. That’s my cousie!!! After god knows how many glasses in a restaurant in Penang, we were gonna head to a pub. But Uncle Ronnie wanted K session. Seriously I can’t sing to save my soul but anything to indulge the birthday boy. There, there were another 3 jugs of Heinekken and 2 bottles of wine. Mom was telling me not to mix alcohol. Amateurs are not supposed to mix their drinks for the night. Taking brandy or beer after whiskey will only get a person drunk faster plus gives you a headache. But hehe.. did I listen? What do you think? I wasn’t driving mah… seriously the number of glasses of chivas and heinekken I took that night was nothing. Mom was there eyeing me. Next day I was up by 8 am lounging by the hotel pool. Skipped the hotel’s breakfast buffet (mom and youngest sis went) to keep my tummy for Penang’s hawker food. Nope, no headaches or hangovers.. I was sober enough to drag mom to Gurney Mall (it was only walking distance) to buy me the dress I eyed on the day before.
Reminds me that daddy gave Uncle Ronnie (mom’s older brother) a bottle of chivas 12 for his birthday. So yup, Hoi L eng (cousie) and me were helping ourselves to it. Man, that girl can drink. That’s my cousie!!! After god knows how many glasses in a restaurant in Penang, we were gonna head to a pub. But Uncle Ronnie wanted K session. Seriously I can’t sing to save my soul but anything to indulge the birthday boy. There, there were another 3 jugs of Heinekken and 2 bottles of wine. Mom was telling me not to mix alcohol. Amateurs are not supposed to mix their drinks for the night. Taking brandy or beer after whiskey will only get a person drunk faster plus gives you a headache. But hehe.. did I listen? What do you think? I wasn’t driving mah… seriously the number of glasses of chivas and heinekken I took that night was nothing. Mom was there eyeing me. Next day I was up by 8 am lounging by the hotel pool. Skipped the hotel’s breakfast buffet (mom and youngest sis went) to keep my tummy for Penang’s hawker food. Nope, no headaches or hangovers.. I was sober enough to drag mom to Gurney Mall (it was only walking distance) to buy me the dress I eyed on the day before.
‘PHOTOBATICUS CHANI’. A name of a newly discovered stick insect found by locals for the collection of a naturalist Datuk Chan in Penampang, Sabah. Hence the name of the insect is named after him. Hey I thought it is interesting. I am not a fan of bugs, insects and I don’t go collecting them. That’s probably the last thing I would do. But it shows that mother nature is still well preserved in certain parts in our region.
Teng brought us to Penampang on the way up to Kundasang. He was like “ you got to try Penamapang mee.” Which we did. Well to me it was fried wantan mee with char siew, vege and eggs. The portion was huge and the price was reasonable. But Eve and I only ate half the portion of our noodles and Teng was like “You two should have just shared.” Yeah we should. Anyway the noodles were served with chilli sauce. Eve accidentally ‘kena’ her eyes and ouch it must be painful. Anyway after that, YC insisted to cross the ‘unhanging’ Penampang hanging bridge. The hanging brige was secured on all sides by metal bars that it didn’t budge one bit. A different story altogether when we were up the canopy walk at the hot spring. I can’t remember the name of the place. Since Yc wanted to cross the unhanging bridge and Teng was to fetch her across the bridge, I joined her. hehe.. I am such a dear friend. It was a sunny day (I so don’t want to get tan) but yet didn’t want to leave her alone, I crossed the bridge with her. Did I ever mention that I have problems with height? I didn’t even anticipate the canopy walk that afternoon.
Reminds me that I kinda miss the Long Island Tea (a drink with a combination of whiskeys) we had in Yayasan Sabah. The first jug they brought to our table was ughh DILUTE!! The second one was not much better (KC and I asked the waitress to try a sip from our first jug), so by the time it was last glass, I took KC’s vodka lime and mixed it both. Yup it was much better subsequently. Back at Teng’s place that night, YC, KC and I knocked out (dead and motionless) out of a whole week of exhaustion on a queen size bed. No kicking, snoring, yanking of blanket..
Teng brought us to Penampang on the way up to Kundasang. He was like “ you got to try Penamapang mee.” Which we did. Well to me it was fried wantan mee with char siew, vege and eggs. The portion was huge and the price was reasonable. But Eve and I only ate half the portion of our noodles and Teng was like “You two should have just shared.” Yeah we should. Anyway the noodles were served with chilli sauce. Eve accidentally ‘kena’ her eyes and ouch it must be painful. Anyway after that, YC insisted to cross the ‘unhanging’ Penampang hanging bridge. The hanging brige was secured on all sides by metal bars that it didn’t budge one bit. A different story altogether when we were up the canopy walk at the hot spring. I can’t remember the name of the place. Since Yc wanted to cross the unhanging bridge and Teng was to fetch her across the bridge, I joined her. hehe.. I am such a dear friend. It was a sunny day (I so don’t want to get tan) but yet didn’t want to leave her alone, I crossed the bridge with her. Did I ever mention that I have problems with height? I didn’t even anticipate the canopy walk that afternoon.
Reminds me that I kinda miss the Long Island Tea (a drink with a combination of whiskeys) we had in Yayasan Sabah. The first jug they brought to our table was ughh DILUTE!! The second one was not much better (KC and I asked the waitress to try a sip from our first jug), so by the time it was last glass, I took KC’s vodka lime and mixed it both. Yup it was much better subsequently. Back at Teng’s place that night, YC, KC and I knocked out (dead and motionless) out of a whole week of exhaustion on a queen size bed. No kicking, snoring, yanking of blanket..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Daddy wants me to resume dance classes. He thinks I need to maintain my figure (hehe..) even with work and all... I'm more than happy to oblige. Prob is he wants me to take up ballroom dancing while I still want to continue with hip hop. Plus I have no ideas where I'll be posted. Dont want the classes to be half hanging. Dad expects me to continue dancing into housemanship. I like the idea too but does time permits? I have a bad ankle (and a bad elbow now). I can still dance and all. However, can I subsequently take the long hours of ward rounds and OT?
Anyone read today's Stars? Someone wrote in a complaint on being kept in the dark about our induction courses and posting. As much as I do not want to start work it is pretty sickening being kept in the dark for so long. Well looks like I get to spend more time in HOSPIS and with loved ones. Only God knows where I'll be headed of to next. But looking forward to a fresh start, new place and new faces.
Anyone read today's Stars? Someone wrote in a complaint on being kept in the dark about our induction courses and posting. As much as I do not want to start work it is pretty sickening being kept in the dark for so long. Well looks like I get to spend more time in HOSPIS and with loved ones. Only God knows where I'll be headed of to next. But looking forward to a fresh start, new place and new faces.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I sprained my LEFT elbow in HOSPIS today in the mid of doing washings in the kitchen. My parents gave up on me. See at home I don’t do house chores because we have a maid. And when I finally do it outside of home, I got my elbow sprained. It’s damm painful now. Lucky for me tomorrow is an off day. But it’s a Thursday night. *wink wink* It’s lady’s night out there. Takkan wanna sit home right? hehe.. ok ok where’s my phone? Time to make some calls…
Woo.. Aunt Helen, a HOSPIS volunteer was actually colleagues of Sister Teh and Sister Rosalynn (our dear nurses in IMU Seremban). Being an old timer, gosh she is good. Definitely reminds me of our darling sisters in uni. She was a trained CCU nurse. So today as I was bumping about in the kitchen (the one in HOSPIS), Aunt Helen was practically giving me emergency cardio scenarios, ECG (l like interpretating ECGs) and of course providing me the step wise solutions. VT/VF… oohh.. plus the secret of getting arterial blood fast.
Raymond our physiotherapist was asking me the anatomy of our musculoskeletal system. Gulp.. those of you who knows me well knows my fancy for orthopaedic. Completely zero. So it was a miracle that I was able to recall the muscles of our back and chest wall in detail. The lemon orange poppy seeds cake made by Caitriona (an oncology nurse from Australia), butter cake by Irene, ‘gula hangus’ cake (it’s like moist choc) by Neera (a patient) and Aunt Helen’s buns were fabulous. Last Tuesday, we celebrated Mr Yap’s (a patient) birthday with a cheese cake topped with blueberry topping and fruits made by Irene. Someone not sure who came up with a candle that serenades the birthday tune. Interesting!!! Judy had her signature scallop porridge. Brianni rice, curry chicken, rojak and salad were catered. Once I remembered, lunch was lemang, beef rending and chicken floss. Impressive huh? Gosh I think I am going to gain weight if I go on working there. Let’s not forget the huge pot of tong sui each time. I am figuring I’ll probably bring something for the patients next week too. I was thinking about a cake but practically every other cake of different kinds has been tried. And food gotta be halal. Ideas anyone? Not all patients like spicy food. And less sugar to cater for the diabetic patients. WHAT??? I am sure some of the patients would be delighted if I stock the place up with chocs but nah don’t want to get into trouble.
Raymond our physiotherapist was asking me the anatomy of our musculoskeletal system. Gulp.. those of you who knows me well knows my fancy for orthopaedic. Completely zero. So it was a miracle that I was able to recall the muscles of our back and chest wall in detail. The lemon orange poppy seeds cake made by Caitriona (an oncology nurse from Australia), butter cake by Irene, ‘gula hangus’ cake (it’s like moist choc) by Neera (a patient) and Aunt Helen’s buns were fabulous. Last Tuesday, we celebrated Mr Yap’s (a patient) birthday with a cheese cake topped with blueberry topping and fruits made by Irene. Someone not sure who came up with a candle that serenades the birthday tune. Interesting!!! Judy had her signature scallop porridge. Brianni rice, curry chicken, rojak and salad were catered. Once I remembered, lunch was lemang, beef rending and chicken floss. Impressive huh? Gosh I think I am going to gain weight if I go on working there. Let’s not forget the huge pot of tong sui each time. I am figuring I’ll probably bring something for the patients next week too. I was thinking about a cake but practically every other cake of different kinds has been tried. And food gotta be halal. Ideas anyone? Not all patients like spicy food. And less sugar to cater for the diabetic patients. WHAT??? I am sure some of the patients would be delighted if I stock the place up with chocs but nah don’t want to get into trouble.
On Tuesday, Alf said “I’ll definitely be at your wedding day.” So sweet huh? Then he snickered “Because I am the groom.” Hehe.. Did I mention that I love this old man to bits? I think I did. Anyway jokes aside, he said his biggest joy would be seeing his love ones (I am one) build a happy family and playing with their own kids. He is an absolute darling. Anyhow the day I have kids? I’ll probably make him the god daddy to them. So every night my prayers go out to him. For every patient that I develop a bond to in fact. Lord, give them good years ahead. Of course there is nothing better than to have some of them around to see me have kids.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I was in the mamak last night when I saw a family of four by our table. The 2 kiddos a girl and a boy were adorable. so i smiled a them. They smiled back. damm cute... Both look like they walked out from a milk formula advertisment. Anyway half way tru mamaking, felt a tap on my side. I turned and saw the little boy staring at me.
him: can i have a hug?
me: Stunned... how old are you?
him: put up 4 fingers... u r pretty.. hug hug? he opened his arms
me: blushing fot the first time after a compliment. but i obliged and gave him the hug..
him: thank u. he went back to his stunned parents..
His dad must be thinking if my son is this flirtatious at the age of 4 God knows what happens 20 years later. I am sure this boy will grow up to have many girlfriends. I think I am in love with the little Romeo I just met.
Alf called again this morning. So sweet... I love that man...
Got to get ready to go HOSPIS to meet another group of patients today.
him: can i have a hug?
me: Stunned... how old are you?
him: put up 4 fingers... u r pretty.. hug hug? he opened his arms
me: blushing fot the first time after a compliment. but i obliged and gave him the hug..
him: thank u. he went back to his stunned parents..
His dad must be thinking if my son is this flirtatious at the age of 4 God knows what happens 20 years later. I am sure this boy will grow up to have many girlfriends. I think I am in love with the little Romeo I just met.
Alf called again this morning. So sweet... I love that man...
Got to get ready to go HOSPIS to meet another group of patients today.
Oh as much as I had always wanted to be an OnG specialist, I never knew these:
1. Chinese believe in eating nothing but ginger for the first 100 days of confinement. Ginger increases the risk of neonatal jaundice. So go slow..
2. Taking ginseng during pregnancy increases the risk of post partum hemorrhage.
Maureen has her first grandchild yesterday. A baby girl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
I was imagining myself pregnant. Hmm.. I still want a baby DRAGON ( a baby born in 2012). Ok so I’ll probably be FAT!! No guys would even glance at me then. Buy hey pregnant mothers have two extremes. Their complexions are either superbly good or dreadfully bad. Ok ok since I am daydreaming, I’ll obviously fantasize being fat and beautiful instead of being fat and ugly right. (in my dreams things like labour pain, episiotomy, linear albicans and post partum depression don’t exist) Nah I doubt I’ll be cranky or miserable due to hormone change. I’ll be too thrilled (not because I’m fat) cause I really want my own product. A replica of me!!! My baby would definitely be beautiful (boy or girl) and smart cause the mommy is. For my children’s sake, the daddy would be too.. oh, then I get to wake daddy up at 3 am to go bungkus supper. It also means more shopping, for me and the baby.. the superstitions about not being able to wash hair and only eating ginger for the first 3 months. Screw it!! I’ll probably be demanding for daddy to buy KFC or pizza post partum. I wanted to say tomyam or assam laksa but ok la I’ll go slow with the seafood first if I have wounds and all.
So to all my friends when you buy me hampers post delivery, load it with junk food. Whee…. Hehe!!!
1. Chinese believe in eating nothing but ginger for the first 100 days of confinement. Ginger increases the risk of neonatal jaundice. So go slow..
2. Taking ginseng during pregnancy increases the risk of post partum hemorrhage.
Maureen has her first grandchild yesterday. A baby girl!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
I was imagining myself pregnant. Hmm.. I still want a baby DRAGON ( a baby born in 2012). Ok so I’ll probably be FAT!! No guys would even glance at me then. Buy hey pregnant mothers have two extremes. Their complexions are either superbly good or dreadfully bad. Ok ok since I am daydreaming, I’ll obviously fantasize being fat and beautiful instead of being fat and ugly right. (in my dreams things like labour pain, episiotomy, linear albicans and post partum depression don’t exist) Nah I doubt I’ll be cranky or miserable due to hormone change. I’ll be too thrilled (not because I’m fat) cause I really want my own product. A replica of me!!! My baby would definitely be beautiful (boy or girl) and smart cause the mommy is. For my children’s sake, the daddy would be too.. oh, then I get to wake daddy up at 3 am to go bungkus supper. It also means more shopping, for me and the baby.. the superstitions about not being able to wash hair and only eating ginger for the first 3 months. Screw it!! I’ll probably be demanding for daddy to buy KFC or pizza post partum. I wanted to say tomyam or assam laksa but ok la I’ll go slow with the seafood first if I have wounds and all.
So to all my friends when you buy me hampers post delivery, load it with junk food. Whee…. Hehe!!!
You know what someone told me today?? In certain countries, monkey’s brain is considered a delicacy. So special tables with a huge hole in the middle are found in restaurants for this purpose. The monkey is tied alive with half its head protruding out the hole. Then its’ scalp removed, brandy poured on the brain it is then eaten with the monkey screaming away. I think I am going to be sick. How cruel can people get? YUCKKKKKK!!!!!
According to my exs housemates, I am a MILO ADDICT. It’s seriously true. Almost every other night be it in KL, Seremban or Batu Pahat I’ll drag my daddy, housemates or bf to the mamak. I just need my hot cup of MILO. And if for reasons mamak sessions are cancelled, about 11 plus you’ll hear me in the kitchen ‘cling clang cling clang…’ Yes I am making my MILO. Call me a baby if you have to. I just cant live without it. On several occasions my mom substituted the MILO with VICO. Well she thought at the rate I was drinking (and my drink gotta be KOW) it was cheaper to buy VICO. She was hoping that I was unable to tell the difference. No no.. after a single sip, you can hear me whinning away. In fact I am drinking it now as we speak.
This is the name of a Korean horror movie I watched when I was in BAtu PAhat. I watched about a hundred horror movies during my 6 months stay there. Ya kinda reflects how hardworking I am then. ughh.. but for some particular reason this movie is permanently stuck in my head. Probably it was one of the movies that I hid in my room to watch at midnight with the lights off. Yes I don’t scare easily. How to be scared? I was watching an average of 2 horror movies a day. 4 when I don’t go back on weekends. To the extent that I have ran out of horror movies to watch now. Be it English, Korean, Japanese or Cantonese.
It’s about a local legend, Muoi who fell in love with a man. I think the man loves her too (well the movie was not translated so yeah I’m basing it on facial expressions). But unknown to Muoi, the man was actually engaged to a wealthy woman. So the typical la, man leaves Muoi promising that he’ll be back. Muoi waited but to no avail. Ai.. men!!! Fiancée found out and went into rage. Brought along a couple of men with her to the village to hunt down Muoi. Broke her limbs and disfigured her face with acid (never try stealing another woman’s man). Muoi heartbroken commited suicide. Vowed to come back for revenge. She did come back. But even her spirit got conned. So cam… the man who realize that he would never leave his fiancée, painted a pic of Muoi and with the help of a monk entrap her soul in it. So many years later, her spirit was released by a dumb female journalist. and what’s not la..
It’s about a local legend, Muoi who fell in love with a man. I think the man loves her too (well the movie was not translated so yeah I’m basing it on facial expressions). But unknown to Muoi, the man was actually engaged to a wealthy woman. So the typical la, man leaves Muoi promising that he’ll be back. Muoi waited but to no avail. Ai.. men!!! Fiancée found out and went into rage. Brought along a couple of men with her to the village to hunt down Muoi. Broke her limbs and disfigured her face with acid (never try stealing another woman’s man). Muoi heartbroken commited suicide. Vowed to come back for revenge. She did come back. But even her spirit got conned. So cam… the man who realize that he would never leave his fiancée, painted a pic of Muoi and with the help of a monk entrap her soul in it. So many years later, her spirit was released by a dumb female journalist. and what’s not la..
Coco, my 12 years old terrapin (he was a gift from a friend when I was in std 6 and I had him ever since) fell from the second floor of my house. THUD!!! God I nearly had a heart attack wei. Thank goodness for his hard shell. He’s ok but shaken up I suppose. He has this thing about playing hide and seek with me or my mom especially during feeding time. And he is good I tell you using his nose and flippers to push open doors. So ya this incident will teach him a lesson. Has been well behaved ever since, keeping JJ accompanied. Either that or he is hiding under my carpet (half my room is carpeted and I love it) hoping that I won’t notice the lump of his shell.
Just got a call from Alf, my new sweetheart from HOSPIS. It was a pleasant surprise. I always love unexpected calls from people I know. Don’t really have to be a super close someone. It’s the thought that counts. It’s great to know that someone is thinking about you at that moment of time. Alf is home alone now with all the sons working. Sure looking forward to see him again next week. Oohh.. next Thursday, there’s free hair cut in HOSPIS. Nah, my hair is lovely as it is. But will still go poke my nose around and see what it’s all about.
Shit!! I was shopping today AGAIN and I came back home empty handed. Ughh.. something is so wrong with me. I was in KLCC this time. It was like Touch n Go, no I mean Take n Go.. Shop after shop, I was just grabbing outfits that well I like and trying them on. I think I spend an hour and a half in Zara. Hey shopping is therapeutic. It takes away my problems and stress. Anyway I was in GIORDANO, ISETAN, MARKS & SPENCERS, MANGO, PHILOSOPHY, VERSACE, GUESS, ESPRIT, BRITISH INDIA, NINE WEST, FERAGAMO, PADINI, CHANEL, MAX MARA, SALABIANCA, WATSON, etc…
I think I am starting to have a conscience. I probably tried at least 100 outfits. I am for real. But the bikinis, barebacks, spagetthis, pumps, shorts, minis… I’m like what if I get sent to Tawau? I cant possible wear these there. So each time I end up putting back everything that I had tried. You know what? All these talks about KL hosps being FULL is eating me. damm it!!! I left.. Daddy works at the ExxonMobil Upstream company in KLCC. So decided to join him for lunch. All is well. Daddy knows the best places to eat in KL so not all is lost.
I think I am starting to have a conscience. I probably tried at least 100 outfits. I am for real. But the bikinis, barebacks, spagetthis, pumps, shorts, minis… I’m like what if I get sent to Tawau? I cant possible wear these there. So each time I end up putting back everything that I had tried. You know what? All these talks about KL hosps being FULL is eating me. damm it!!! I left.. Daddy works at the ExxonMobil Upstream company in KLCC. So decided to join him for lunch. All is well. Daddy knows the best places to eat in KL so not all is lost.
It’s sickening… Call me a female chauvinist if you have to. I don’t care. But seriously what possess some guys to even get to know girls online? Enlightened me because I’m totally clueless. Each time, I logged on FAcebook, Friendster, my email account, msn, yahoo messenger… God the number of ‘I want to know you’ messages.. If anyone seriously think I’ll buy that crap and even reply don’t waste your energy. The only time I do reply is when the face looks familiar (an SSM/TAR/IMU classmate/junior/senior). In fact half the time the messages can’t even be comprehended. Like this one ‘u beautiful. Wanna fren?’ or ‘I just woke up. U?’ or ‘I come Msia find u????’ ughh… My msn and yahoo messenger are a little cuckoo these days, so consider it a blessing in disguise.
Firstly I don’t entertain people I do not know online. And when guys get to know girls through the internet community, seriously how sure are you that the pic she loaded is not her sis or daughter? Have you seen guys’ Friendster/ Facebook accounts that the friends are all females ranging from the age of 16 to 25. And his age is probably anything from 25 to 35. Plenty I am sure. His primary pic? Likely to be a shirtless him. Eeekk… half the girls age 16 to 20 in his friend profile would probably have foundation 5 layers thick, eye shadow probably 3 to 4 colours and is that red paint replacing blusher and lipstick? No seriously.. cherish the natural beauty of your youth. They’ll probably have names of fruits/ flowers/ veges/ Japanese anime characters/ days/ months/ colours/ repetition of 2 vowels like fefe. How original… To guys the more of these girls in their Facebook/Friendster account the better. Well to many other girls I am sure, the impression we get? First the guy is desperate and the girls they add aint better. So don’t think that we are interested to be part of your girls only group. Seriously only guys so desperate for a partner (cause his looks or attitude fail to get him one in real life) has to resort to the virtual community.
My message is if another asshole who sends me a ‘u beautiful, be fren?’ email, I’ll seriously scream. Get a life.
Firstly I don’t entertain people I do not know online. And when guys get to know girls through the internet community, seriously how sure are you that the pic she loaded is not her sis or daughter? Have you seen guys’ Friendster/ Facebook accounts that the friends are all females ranging from the age of 16 to 25. And his age is probably anything from 25 to 35. Plenty I am sure. His primary pic? Likely to be a shirtless him. Eeekk… half the girls age 16 to 20 in his friend profile would probably have foundation 5 layers thick, eye shadow probably 3 to 4 colours and is that red paint replacing blusher and lipstick? No seriously.. cherish the natural beauty of your youth. They’ll probably have names of fruits/ flowers/ veges/ Japanese anime characters/ days/ months/ colours/ repetition of 2 vowels like fefe. How original… To guys the more of these girls in their Facebook/Friendster account the better. Well to many other girls I am sure, the impression we get? First the guy is desperate and the girls they add aint better. So don’t think that we are interested to be part of your girls only group. Seriously only guys so desperate for a partner (cause his looks or attitude fail to get him one in real life) has to resort to the virtual community.
My message is if another asshole who sends me a ‘u beautiful, be fren?’ email, I’ll seriously scream. Get a life.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Since we are at the topic on ‘PERSISTENCE’, this is another experience while checking out of KK custom.
Custom officer: Hi
Me: (dreading it already..) hi
Him: you not from here?
Me: No, going back to KL.. ( I was nice in case he didn’t let me through and the thought of being stranded in KK was not pleasant..)
Him: you are here for?
Me: sigh.. (what should I tell him?) HOLIDAY
Him: oh I see.. U a student? u like it here in sabah?
Me: (why does he care? By then YC and eve were long in the boarding area and I am still stuck there)I just graduated so call me what ever you want.. sabah is ok.
Him: graduated from where? Sabah or KL?
Me: (IS this the normal routine questions they ask at KK’s custom?) ( I was still nice just in case..) KL
Him: so where did you visit in Sabah?
Me: (arghh.. If I miss my flight,. I’ll kill him) kudat, kk, islands, blah, blah..
Him: ever coming back?
Me: (NEVER if you are gonna be here) we’ll see..
Him: ok you may pass now. It was nice meeting you.
Me: smile…(I should have just checked out at YC’s counter)
Custom officer: Hi
Me: (dreading it already..) hi
Him: you not from here?
Me: No, going back to KL.. ( I was nice in case he didn’t let me through and the thought of being stranded in KK was not pleasant..)
Him: you are here for?
Me: sigh.. (what should I tell him?) HOLIDAY
Him: oh I see.. U a student? u like it here in sabah?
Me: (why does he care? By then YC and eve were long in the boarding area and I am still stuck there)I just graduated so call me what ever you want.. sabah is ok.
Him: graduated from where? Sabah or KL?
Me: (IS this the normal routine questions they ask at KK’s custom?) ( I was still nice just in case..) KL
Him: so where did you visit in Sabah?
Me: (arghh.. If I miss my flight,. I’ll kill him) kudat, kk, islands, blah, blah..
Him: ever coming back?
Me: (NEVER if you are gonna be here) we’ll see..
Him: ok you may pass now. It was nice meeting you.
Me: smile…(I should have just checked out at YC’s counter)
Most people would say that clubbing is best done without your significant half. You get to meet people (of opposite gender), drink over the limit then puke, drive recklessly subsequently, probably have a one night stand (only for those who believe in it) and most importantly party on with friends without having being nag the whole night long. This is what I gather from many of my guy friends so to speak. But for me as a girl, clubbing with bf has its advantages. Someone to take care of me the entire night, prevent others scoundrels from hitting on me (I seriously cant stand it), ensure that my drinks don’t get spiked (provide my bf doesn’t do it himself) and to drive me home subsequently. Plus I love dancing with my bf and I get free hugs the whole night long. Unlike other girls, if my bf wants to go clubbing and I’m not up for it, I’ll still encourage him to go ahead. Hmm.. in fact one of the more important criteria of being my bf is to be able to drink better than me in addition to being successful of course. Ask any of my exes, they have yet to see me drunk. Well I think guys who can hold their alcohol are pretty cool provided you are not an alcoholic. If you are afraid that a guy will cheat, no amount of holding him back will help. It’s gonna happen sooner or later.
Clubbing single has its fun like you really get to spend time with friends and all. But seriously when you get oogled at the podium or every Tom, Dick and Harry offers to buy a drink it gets sickening. For instance, not too long ago, at Velvet, I was pushing my way to the ladies (alcohol can be a nasty diuretic at times) when this guy came up..
Him: hi
Me: (raised my eye brows at him)??
Him: been watching you dancing. Care to join me and my friends?
Me: no
Him: Just for a drink. It’s harmless.
Me: No (I just want to go to the ladies)
Him: ok, what about if I just get you a quick drink at the bar?
Me: no
Him: then can I know ur name then?
Me: (seriously, shut up already!!) no
Him: a dance at least?
Me: you want to follow me to the ladies? We can tango there…
Conversation ended. Let’s say I just left him standing there probably a little stunned while I continue pushing my way to the ladies. I really just want to pee..
Clubbing single has its fun like you really get to spend time with friends and all. But seriously when you get oogled at the podium or every Tom, Dick and Harry offers to buy a drink it gets sickening. For instance, not too long ago, at Velvet, I was pushing my way to the ladies (alcohol can be a nasty diuretic at times) when this guy came up..
Him: hi
Me: (raised my eye brows at him)??
Him: been watching you dancing. Care to join me and my friends?
Me: no
Him: Just for a drink. It’s harmless.
Me: No (I just want to go to the ladies)
Him: ok, what about if I just get you a quick drink at the bar?
Me: no
Him: then can I know ur name then?
Me: (seriously, shut up already!!) no
Him: a dance at least?
Me: you want to follow me to the ladies? We can tango there…
Conversation ended. Let’s say I just left him standing there probably a little stunned while I continue pushing my way to the ladies. I really just want to pee..
Today a sister and couple of nurses from GHKL came to HOSPIS. They are going to be with us for a week to learn about oncology I think. So I was telling the sister that GHKL was my first and only choice of hosp in KL. What are my chances I asked? Her reply “oh it’s FULL!” Y la? I have been hearing that word so often now that I am close to depression. Oh this sister used to work under Dato Siva. She was a staff nurse then in the OnG department in GHKL. She has absolute respect for that man. ME too I said. One of a kind lecturer. So I asked her what are the chances of doing MOship there in OnG? I think the smile she gave me was meant to be sympathetic. You know what? I’ll probably go back Seremban and tag Dato Siva around. sigh.. I am seriously doomed.
True love
Today was another day spent at HOSPIS. Alf, my 70 years old sweetheart decided to lecture me this time on what trust is in a relationship is all about. ‘Trust be gets trust.’ Probably this saying is not for all. Anyway according to Alf, trust a man in a relationship and he’ll be obliged to live up to the trust given. Really? Let’s say I was skeptical. Doesn’t trust has to be earned? Apparently not. A woman’s role in a relationship is to trust a man with all her heart. My next question, then wouldn’t she be taken for granted? No, Alf said. Man with a conscience when given trust would not betray it. Give him trust by not questioning his actions. I was like if that happens then guys would feel uncared for. I was really doubtful. Then Alf said, add interest into trust to make a relationship last a lifetime. I was like “huh?” BE INTERESTED IN HIM BUT NEVER QUESTION HIS ACTIONS. These were the words of wisdom given by Alf. Then another volunteer mentioned that after 33 years of marriage, she received an anonymous sms that said that her husband had cheated on her. At that moment, I had this de javu feeling. Well she too said that she trusted her husband so much that she didn’t even bother questioning him about the sms. She actually happily deleted it and never gave it a second thought. After 33 years of marriage I guess so but what if it’s only after a year in the relationship? I guess it’s important to give trust but would you want to live with a constant naggy feeling that says “ what if?”
Alf talked about his late wife today. A lady who gave him 33 years of happy marriage and 4 sons. He has 4 to 5 pictures of her in his wallet. Pictures of her from young till old. She was diagnosed with secondary bone tumour by Prof Sen Gupta. She was estimated to live for only 2 months upon diagnosis. But her will power was so strong. She lasted a year before passing on. She too was a patient of HOSPIS. Alf signed up to join her hence he is still with us now. Her biggest worry was who’s going to take care of her husband when she is gone? Who’s going to cook for him and do his laundry? He too is a cancer patient. 2 weeks before passing on, her condition deteriorated. She was tensed, worried and ill. 365 days after Prof Sen Gupta diagnosed her with secondary bone cancer, she lay in Alf’s arms exhausted and in much pain. Well he held her hands and said “ Let go and go back home to Lord. I can take care of myself.” Her sons too said “ Go home Mommy. We’ll take care of Daddy.” With that she took her last breath and finally let go. Can you find someone who loves you this much? Someone who knows no pain but you till their very last breath?
Today was another day spent at HOSPIS. Alf, my 70 years old sweetheart decided to lecture me this time on what trust is in a relationship is all about. ‘Trust be gets trust.’ Probably this saying is not for all. Anyway according to Alf, trust a man in a relationship and he’ll be obliged to live up to the trust given. Really? Let’s say I was skeptical. Doesn’t trust has to be earned? Apparently not. A woman’s role in a relationship is to trust a man with all her heart. My next question, then wouldn’t she be taken for granted? No, Alf said. Man with a conscience when given trust would not betray it. Give him trust by not questioning his actions. I was like if that happens then guys would feel uncared for. I was really doubtful. Then Alf said, add interest into trust to make a relationship last a lifetime. I was like “huh?” BE INTERESTED IN HIM BUT NEVER QUESTION HIS ACTIONS. These were the words of wisdom given by Alf. Then another volunteer mentioned that after 33 years of marriage, she received an anonymous sms that said that her husband had cheated on her. At that moment, I had this de javu feeling. Well she too said that she trusted her husband so much that she didn’t even bother questioning him about the sms. She actually happily deleted it and never gave it a second thought. After 33 years of marriage I guess so but what if it’s only after a year in the relationship? I guess it’s important to give trust but would you want to live with a constant naggy feeling that says “ what if?”
Alf talked about his late wife today. A lady who gave him 33 years of happy marriage and 4 sons. He has 4 to 5 pictures of her in his wallet. Pictures of her from young till old. She was diagnosed with secondary bone tumour by Prof Sen Gupta. She was estimated to live for only 2 months upon diagnosis. But her will power was so strong. She lasted a year before passing on. She too was a patient of HOSPIS. Alf signed up to join her hence he is still with us now. Her biggest worry was who’s going to take care of her husband when she is gone? Who’s going to cook for him and do his laundry? He too is a cancer patient. 2 weeks before passing on, her condition deteriorated. She was tensed, worried and ill. 365 days after Prof Sen Gupta diagnosed her with secondary bone cancer, she lay in Alf’s arms exhausted and in much pain. Well he held her hands and said “ Let go and go back home to Lord. I can take care of myself.” Her sons too said “ Go home Mommy. We’ll take care of Daddy.” With that she took her last breath and finally let go. Can you find someone who loves you this much? Someone who knows no pain but you till their very last breath?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Finally went and got my SPA required medical check up done. I’ve been delaying it for some time now. So there I went into this private clinic, well it was the only one near my place that offered medical check ups for civil servants. So yes they have 4 nurses. 2 Indians and the other 2 were Malays. Well they kinda assume that I was a student getting my medical check up before entering a local uni or something. Talk about RUDE!!!! You should have seen the way the 2 Indian nurses commanded me around to take height, weight and to read the dumb Snellen chart. Actually I am quite tolerant to ass holic behavior such as these. Let’s say my threshold is high. You’ll get use to it especially when one stays in KL where everyone is all high and mighty. Also because of it, I get bullied by bfs a lot more. Ughh…
Anyway, the doctor who was a Middle East foreigner hardly examined me. The worse thing was I had to translate every BM word in the form so that he could fill it. I might have just fill the damm form myself and sign it off. When I was getting my chest x ray, I was pretty tempted to tell one of the dumb nurses off. Firstly she was talking so loud, in case if I was deaf and she was commanding (not even politely asking) me to get changed, remove my necklace, hold my breath, blah, blah.. I was so close to screaming at her “ I know!! Get on with it, B****!!” Later on, she gave my form back. She must have been stamping the doc’s name and in between saw that I was a doctor. You see a 180 degree change of attitude. Fake wei!! Anyway paid the RM65 and got out of that place. VowED never to go back there.
Then I walked over to the vet shop. Besides veterinary service, they also have whole sale of animal food. That’s where I get JJ’s (hamster) and Muffin’s (doggie) food, supplements, toys, bedding, shampoo and what’s not. Let’s say I am no stranger at the clinicsince all my animals get their treatment there. Last year for instance, Captain, one of Muffin’s pup had an infected wound. So ya I had to bring him on a daily basis for wound debridement and cleansing. Muffin gets her annual vaccination from them. JJ must probably be their only hamster patient. Well there was this one time, he kept having nasal discharge and I was worried he was having carries. His diet back then was mainly chocolates and ice cream. So ya he needed treatment too. Today I was there for JJ’s food and Muffin’s bacons. Don’t ask how much those cost me. Most of my hard earned money are spent on these two anyway. Got myself a free Petster magazine. I needed multivits for JJ but they ran out of it. hmm.. JJ’s appetite has been pretty poor lately. Either that or he is just plain sick of his hamster food.
Anyway, the doctor who was a Middle East foreigner hardly examined me. The worse thing was I had to translate every BM word in the form so that he could fill it. I might have just fill the damm form myself and sign it off. When I was getting my chest x ray, I was pretty tempted to tell one of the dumb nurses off. Firstly she was talking so loud, in case if I was deaf and she was commanding (not even politely asking) me to get changed, remove my necklace, hold my breath, blah, blah.. I was so close to screaming at her “ I know!! Get on with it, B****!!” Later on, she gave my form back. She must have been stamping the doc’s name and in between saw that I was a doctor. You see a 180 degree change of attitude. Fake wei!! Anyway paid the RM65 and got out of that place. VowED never to go back there.
Then I walked over to the vet shop. Besides veterinary service, they also have whole sale of animal food. That’s where I get JJ’s (hamster) and Muffin’s (doggie) food, supplements, toys, bedding, shampoo and what’s not. Let’s say I am no stranger at the clinicsince all my animals get their treatment there. Last year for instance, Captain, one of Muffin’s pup had an infected wound. So ya I had to bring him on a daily basis for wound debridement and cleansing. Muffin gets her annual vaccination from them. JJ must probably be their only hamster patient. Well there was this one time, he kept having nasal discharge and I was worried he was having carries. His diet back then was mainly chocolates and ice cream. So ya he needed treatment too. Today I was there for JJ’s food and Muffin’s bacons. Don’t ask how much those cost me. Most of my hard earned money are spent on these two anyway. Got myself a free Petster magazine. I needed multivits for JJ but they ran out of it. hmm.. JJ’s appetite has been pretty poor lately. Either that or he is just plain sick of his hamster food.
My accumulated samans in Batu PAhat.. which smart dick said that samans from local councils need not be paid? Now warning letters are sent to my dad. And the penalty is now raised to RM 100 each. Arghh.. and it has to come out from my pocket.
Right after this Chinese New Year, I packed to move from Seremban to Batu Pahat. Packing here not only means my clothes, pillows, toiletries and kitchen utensils. It also meant taking apart a 2 feet tall cupboard, a study table, a computer table, a couple of book racks, move them to BP and then fixing them back all up again for another stupid 6 months. Putting them up in Seremban was mostly the job of one bf and Ade (an ex housemate). When it was time to take them apart, Ade was not around to help, my dad and bf at that time (a different one) thought I was too spoilt and that I should be doing things on my own. So was I left with a choice? YC was around to help but it was more of us taking apart our own furnitures. So after packing my clothes, books, utensils, soft toys, toiletries and pillows into different boxes, got them labeled, ( I accumulated so much rubbish in my 2 years stay in Sban), I started the task of unscrewing my cupboards. I sat down diligently with a screwdriver in hand, my hair bundled up, started banging and unscrewing. God it was tough labour man. I knew daddy and bf then (ex now) wouldn’t be helping but I needed to release tension so I called, dad first..
Me: come help me take down the cupboards la.. sban only 45 mins away from KL.
Dad: No.. time to learn to do things on your own..
Me: It’s not about independence. This is hard labour.
Dad: I say no.. do it yourself..
Me: Argh…
Then I called bf next. As usual only picked up after the umpteenth time.. work it seems. He was in KK so it’s not like he was going to make it there to help but still the comfort of knowing that he would like to would have been nice.. instead it turned out this way:
Me: working?
Him: ya.. very busy… (nothing new, I was mouthing the answers as he said it..)
Me: U love me?
Him: ya.. y la?
Me: When u finish work, wanna fly to sban, help me take down the cupboards? U can still fly back in time to start work again tomorrow.
Him: I can’t..
Me: (thinking that he must be very busy) oh how come? On call again?
Him: I got a MU game tonight. I can’t miss it…
Me: What???? (He didn’t even pretend to say yes. Sometimes honesty kills..)
Him: Hon.. I call u later. I have to go out grab a fast dinner before the MU game starts..
Yes.. You guessed it. In the midst of the MU game, he never called back and my memory is superb when it comes to conservations. By the time I finished, it was close to 1 am. YC helped packed some of the furnitures into my car. We actually successfully fit the 2 feet cupboard into my HONDA City. Went to ADila’s place and unload them. That girl had a 5 ton lorry which was going to ferry the furnitures to BP.
In BP, start out with another task of setting them up. My dad came along with me this time but he didn’t help. He still strongly believes that all these hard labour will make me a better person. I didn’t bother calling bf this time, I’ll probably end up with depression if I did. Tripped once but eventually put everything back up. Well I do have a bruise on my right thigh the size of a small durian that took a month to rid off. The only problem was the furnitures were a little shaky. Hey have you seen my size? Putting them up is one thing. Using all my energy to screw them tight is another. At the end of 6 months in BP, I single handedly unscrew everything (didn’t bother calling anyone this time) and transported them to Peniel’s place (CK helped this time using my car). I’ve been applying tons of hand lotions of different brand daily now for the damage done.
So did I become a better person as my dad had hoped out for? Surprisingly I did. Just last week my mom fell in love with an antique table at a cousie’s place in Sri HArtamas. So she and I both (again using my car) went to collect it. Cousie decided to give it to my mom as a present. The table was about 1 foot tall. Problem was it cannot be dismantled. Its an antique, what do you expect? Mom and cousie’s maid tried la fitting the table into the car but failed. I was standing under the shade watching. In the end, mom gave up and looked a little dejected. So out of impatience, I yanked the table left, right, horizontal and viola.. it went in!!! I was so delighted. My mom could hardly breathe. She was probably afraid that I would have tear the car apart in the process of my ‘GANASness’. So we successfully moved the miserable table home. Daddy was like “ I told you so!!!” According to him, where ever I get posted to I’m independent enough. I can put up my own furnitures. What??? After all that I went through??? He still expects me to do it?? From now on, I’m getting a place fully furnished or I’ll just pay someone to do it.
Me: come help me take down the cupboards la.. sban only 45 mins away from KL.
Dad: No.. time to learn to do things on your own..
Me: It’s not about independence. This is hard labour.
Dad: I say no.. do it yourself..
Me: Argh…
Then I called bf next. As usual only picked up after the umpteenth time.. work it seems. He was in KK so it’s not like he was going to make it there to help but still the comfort of knowing that he would like to would have been nice.. instead it turned out this way:
Me: working?
Him: ya.. very busy… (nothing new, I was mouthing the answers as he said it..)
Me: U love me?
Him: ya.. y la?
Me: When u finish work, wanna fly to sban, help me take down the cupboards? U can still fly back in time to start work again tomorrow.
Him: I can’t..
Me: (thinking that he must be very busy) oh how come? On call again?
Him: I got a MU game tonight. I can’t miss it…
Me: What???? (He didn’t even pretend to say yes. Sometimes honesty kills..)
Him: Hon.. I call u later. I have to go out grab a fast dinner before the MU game starts..
Yes.. You guessed it. In the midst of the MU game, he never called back and my memory is superb when it comes to conservations. By the time I finished, it was close to 1 am. YC helped packed some of the furnitures into my car. We actually successfully fit the 2 feet cupboard into my HONDA City. Went to ADila’s place and unload them. That girl had a 5 ton lorry which was going to ferry the furnitures to BP.
In BP, start out with another task of setting them up. My dad came along with me this time but he didn’t help. He still strongly believes that all these hard labour will make me a better person. I didn’t bother calling bf this time, I’ll probably end up with depression if I did. Tripped once but eventually put everything back up. Well I do have a bruise on my right thigh the size of a small durian that took a month to rid off. The only problem was the furnitures were a little shaky. Hey have you seen my size? Putting them up is one thing. Using all my energy to screw them tight is another. At the end of 6 months in BP, I single handedly unscrew everything (didn’t bother calling anyone this time) and transported them to Peniel’s place (CK helped this time using my car). I’ve been applying tons of hand lotions of different brand daily now for the damage done.
So did I become a better person as my dad had hoped out for? Surprisingly I did. Just last week my mom fell in love with an antique table at a cousie’s place in Sri HArtamas. So she and I both (again using my car) went to collect it. Cousie decided to give it to my mom as a present. The table was about 1 foot tall. Problem was it cannot be dismantled. Its an antique, what do you expect? Mom and cousie’s maid tried la fitting the table into the car but failed. I was standing under the shade watching. In the end, mom gave up and looked a little dejected. So out of impatience, I yanked the table left, right, horizontal and viola.. it went in!!! I was so delighted. My mom could hardly breathe. She was probably afraid that I would have tear the car apart in the process of my ‘GANASness’. So we successfully moved the miserable table home. Daddy was like “ I told you so!!!” According to him, where ever I get posted to I’m independent enough. I can put up my own furnitures. What??? After all that I went through??? He still expects me to do it?? From now on, I’m getting a place fully furnished or I’ll just pay someone to do it.
I was reading Lynnie’s blog. It seems that she pretty much dislikes Air Asia. I can’t blame her. Since I was a baby I have always been on MAS flights. So the trip to KK was my first experience on an Air Asia flight. Ever since flown a couple of times in and out of KL with Air Asia. Well what do you expect? It’s after all a buget airline. Where else can you get an air ticket with that kind of rate? But ask me if I would fly with Air Asia again, I would say it depends. I had always pretty much dislike LCCT. See the thing is for the past one year, each time I am on my way to LCCT, I am always crying, sulking or doing both at the same time. It has got to do with sending someone off at that time. So now, although I’m pretty much over it, let’s say I am a little traumatized. Even driving myself to LCCT now brings the chills. Having said that, my trip back from KK was nasty. Even for a petite girl like me, it was so difficult to stretch myself in their seats. By the time I got down the plane 2 and a half hours later, I was practically in contractures, cramps plus a neck pain and a headache. I really wonder how guys can sit still through the whole flight with their longer legs and broader shoulders. It was super uncomfy.
Other than that, the check in was smooth. My luggage is always over the quota limit (I do not know how to travel light). Well I wasn’t fined for it. The boarding area is not too bad, nothing like KLIA but it’s comfy enough for me. As long as I don’t go hunting for snacks (I’m a junk addict) which are exorbitant in airports, I’m pretty much OK. My flights were never delayed lucky for me. no lost luggages. When it was time to board, everyone in LCCT are real civillised. No rushing to the gate, pushing or yelling. Everyone quietly pick their bags and queue in one line. Ermm.. cant say the same for KK though. When I was on my way back, there were 4 lines all trying to push their way into a single fold. The glares and stares, my goodness… Fortunately for me I usually check in my luggages ( a family tradition, we don’t lug them around). So I only have to carry myself, my boarding pass and hand bag. My typical on air outfit: a sweater donned over shorts/jeans matched with a pair of lazy man shoes for comfort, hula hoop earrings, watch (a must) and my huge sun glasses.
So if I have to go anywhere alone and I’m paying for it, I wouldn’t mind Air Asia too much. Imagine if I have kids and we are going off for a holiday, Air Asia is a big no no. During peak seasons, often kids are seated separately from their parents. I’ll definitely go for airlines where seats are numbered and given. I once heard this hubby telling the wifey who was in heels “ you take the luggage and RUN first. I’ll carry the kid and CHASE behind.” GOD!! What kind of holiday is that?? Any husband asking me to run on an airport runway where everyone can see you through the tinted glasses of the boarding hall is just asking for a domestic war. I don’t need unnecessary stress at such instances. I’ll seriously go insane even before the holiday has started.
Other than that, the check in was smooth. My luggage is always over the quota limit (I do not know how to travel light). Well I wasn’t fined for it. The boarding area is not too bad, nothing like KLIA but it’s comfy enough for me. As long as I don’t go hunting for snacks (I’m a junk addict) which are exorbitant in airports, I’m pretty much OK. My flights were never delayed lucky for me. no lost luggages. When it was time to board, everyone in LCCT are real civillised. No rushing to the gate, pushing or yelling. Everyone quietly pick their bags and queue in one line. Ermm.. cant say the same for KK though. When I was on my way back, there were 4 lines all trying to push their way into a single fold. The glares and stares, my goodness… Fortunately for me I usually check in my luggages ( a family tradition, we don’t lug them around). So I only have to carry myself, my boarding pass and hand bag. My typical on air outfit: a sweater donned over shorts/jeans matched with a pair of lazy man shoes for comfort, hula hoop earrings, watch (a must) and my huge sun glasses.
So if I have to go anywhere alone and I’m paying for it, I wouldn’t mind Air Asia too much. Imagine if I have kids and we are going off for a holiday, Air Asia is a big no no. During peak seasons, often kids are seated separately from their parents. I’ll definitely go for airlines where seats are numbered and given. I once heard this hubby telling the wifey who was in heels “ you take the luggage and RUN first. I’ll carry the kid and CHASE behind.” GOD!! What kind of holiday is that?? Any husband asking me to run on an airport runway where everyone can see you through the tinted glasses of the boarding hall is just asking for a domestic war. I don’t need unnecessary stress at such instances. I’ll seriously go insane even before the holiday has started.
The reason daddy took the day off and sends the car to PUSPAKOM so soon was of course to renew the road tax that expires today and secondly he has this nagging feeling that I am going to get posted to East Malaysia. Well probably because the only other junior doctor he has ever met, Johnny was working in KK. So daddy probably foresee the same fate for his daughter. If that is the case, I would need my car with me. I probably would only get my baby fixed up once I know where I get posted to. If she has to travel to the east by ship, God’s knows the damage and scratches it’s going to cause. If I repair her now and she get damaged in the process, I’ll end up with heamatemesis. You know I was all the time pretty confident that I was going to get posted in a hospital in KL. Of course that was till recently I found out that KL hosps are FULL!!! Call it learned helplessness. Right now if I get sent off to Kuching, KK or Tawau, I’ll just go. Fed up of the waiting. ok ok I admit, KK and Kuching are not too bad. Its only the thought of transporting the car, my ever so huge wardrobe (the extra large luggage bags with rollers, I might need 7 to 8 of those), shoes (tons of it), books, make ups, accessories, hair dryer, facial products, laptops, comforter and my favourite pillows. Not to mention, when I get there I need to buy an iron, toiletries, things for my laundry, hangers, more pillows, junk food, kitchen stuffs and furnitures. That means I’ll probably need to be loaded with cash. And what is gonna happen to JJ? He’ll be an orphan. if I bring him over, he has to be quarantined a month. Well my plan is to get MRCOG part 1 done within this 2 years. And what if I don’t get retain in the general hospital after 2 years and get discarded some where peripheral? I wont be able to train then. You know what? I’m going to stop here and pray that I’ll get posted in KL. This is depressing me out.
At sharp 7 this morning, daddy was banging on my door “Girl!!! Wake up. We’re going PUSPAKOM. Long queues.” I haven’t waken up this early ever since graduation. Ughh.. it really sucked. Not that I had much of a choice. If I had chose to rebel, I would never see the daylight of my car again. See my dad lost the grant of my car (daddy hates that word because the car is under his name) and my road tax expires today. And the grant is to renew the road tax and getting the car insured. Sigh.. so gotta start from scratch. Daddy has already made a police report. So today we were going to PUSPAKOM to get the HONDA CITY checked. Thank goodness PUSPAKOM was only 10 mins away from home.
The place was pretty much deserted. I was kind of expecting a 2 km queue of commercial vehicles and cabs. But there were only 6 cars in fronts of us. We are to go through this express lane with multiple stops. Reminds me of my short OSCE stations actually. But I had to fill a couple of forms first and with the mad dash out of the house this morning I forgot to bring a pen along. So I marched into the office (daddy was safeguarding my car) to borrow one.
PUSPAKOM officer: selamat pagi
Me: Pagi. Nak pinjam pen boleh?
Him: oh u nak pen dik? Saya ambilkan ya. Boleh tunggu ya? (smile, smile..)
Me: restraining myself not to role my eyes.. stop flirting and give me the pen..
I forgot to mention that I was donned in t shirt and jeans. The same t shirt I wore to sleep because I was just too lazy to change. With spectacles too. In too much of a hurry this morning. Did not have the time to put on my colour contacts. Well I’ll probably still look gorgeous wearing a guni sack and a paper back over my head. So anyhow I got the pen, filled the forms and my car was off for examination.. I was asking daddy.. since we are already here let’s change the car to my name? (changing ownership requires another round of checking in PUSPAKOM). Daddy said “ dream on girl.” Sulked..
1st stop: check engine/ caisis
2nd stop: the next officer was pulling out the rubbers by the doors.. out of curiosity I asked what in the world was he doing.. he said “ tengok kereta pernah potong tak.” Gasped.. ok apparently some scoundrels ‘potong’ cars then join the different parts. I was imagining how a front half of a BMW joined to a back half of a proton would look like. Yikes..
3rd stop: checking for tinted glass
4th stop: The last officer went under the car.. I don’t know what he was checking for
5th stop: waiting for results
Conclusion: my car passed!!!
Whee…. I am so happy.. pat pat pat baby.. Now I know how it feels like when your kid graduate from university. Holding my car report was like looking at my OSCE results.
I think I am not getting a new car so soon after all. Since my baby just graduated and it means getting a new grant, she (yes I gave it a gender) deserves a treat. The car is after all physically damaged thanks to me. I parked under an air con once. Well I didn’t know the dripping water from it was acidic and it was capable of peeling the paint off. Ya ya plus the couple of stagnant walls that I banged too. Give me a break. That was old story anyway. But now I’ll get my baby fixed back up. Redo the paint. Probably to something metallic. She deserves it.
I am crawling back into bed after this.
The place was pretty much deserted. I was kind of expecting a 2 km queue of commercial vehicles and cabs. But there were only 6 cars in fronts of us. We are to go through this express lane with multiple stops. Reminds me of my short OSCE stations actually. But I had to fill a couple of forms first and with the mad dash out of the house this morning I forgot to bring a pen along. So I marched into the office (daddy was safeguarding my car) to borrow one.
PUSPAKOM officer: selamat pagi
Me: Pagi. Nak pinjam pen boleh?
Him: oh u nak pen dik? Saya ambilkan ya. Boleh tunggu ya? (smile, smile..)
Me: restraining myself not to role my eyes.. stop flirting and give me the pen..
I forgot to mention that I was donned in t shirt and jeans. The same t shirt I wore to sleep because I was just too lazy to change. With spectacles too. In too much of a hurry this morning. Did not have the time to put on my colour contacts. Well I’ll probably still look gorgeous wearing a guni sack and a paper back over my head. So anyhow I got the pen, filled the forms and my car was off for examination.. I was asking daddy.. since we are already here let’s change the car to my name? (changing ownership requires another round of checking in PUSPAKOM). Daddy said “ dream on girl.” Sulked..
1st stop: check engine/ caisis
2nd stop: the next officer was pulling out the rubbers by the doors.. out of curiosity I asked what in the world was he doing.. he said “ tengok kereta pernah potong tak.” Gasped.. ok apparently some scoundrels ‘potong’ cars then join the different parts. I was imagining how a front half of a BMW joined to a back half of a proton would look like. Yikes..
3rd stop: checking for tinted glass
4th stop: The last officer went under the car.. I don’t know what he was checking for
5th stop: waiting for results
Conclusion: my car passed!!!
Whee…. I am so happy.. pat pat pat baby.. Now I know how it feels like when your kid graduate from university. Holding my car report was like looking at my OSCE results.
I think I am not getting a new car so soon after all. Since my baby just graduated and it means getting a new grant, she (yes I gave it a gender) deserves a treat. The car is after all physically damaged thanks to me. I parked under an air con once. Well I didn’t know the dripping water from it was acidic and it was capable of peeling the paint off. Ya ya plus the couple of stagnant walls that I banged too. Give me a break. That was old story anyway. But now I’ll get my baby fixed back up. Redo the paint. Probably to something metallic. She deserves it.
I am crawling back into bed after this.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My sphygmanometer broke today releasing mercury all over the place. All hell broke loose. Armed with gloves, mask and newspapers god knows how long I spent picking up every minute ball of mercury. They were so……. tiny.. Know what? I’ll probably be diagnosed with cancer soon.
A conversation with my mom went like this,
Mom: If my granddaughter is a replica of her mother, I’ll have an early onset of heart attack
Me: WHAT???
Mom: She’ll be demanding and vain
Me: I have the perfect genes. She’ll be gorgeous and smart.
Mom: If I have a grandson, he’ll probably be a playboy. Sigh…
Me: WHAT?????
Mom: Headache headache…
Me: MOM!!!!
Mom: WHAT? I brought you up. Now I got to prepare for the worst AGAIN….
Me: *fainted*
Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable.
Mom: If my granddaughter is a replica of her mother, I’ll have an early onset of heart attack
Me: WHAT???
Mom: She’ll be demanding and vain
Me: I have the perfect genes. She’ll be gorgeous and smart.
Mom: If I have a grandson, he’ll probably be a playboy. Sigh…
Me: WHAT?????
Mom: Headache headache…
Me: MOM!!!!
Mom: WHAT? I brought you up. Now I got to prepare for the worst AGAIN….
Me: *fainted*
Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable.
Mine is due tomorrow. Dad lost all the needed documents. Sigh.. hassle. Police report. Getting my car rechecked at PUSPAKOM. Damm…
Last night daddy was asking his girls if they wanted to go out for breakfast the next day or our mom to buy it back. All three chorused “BUY BACK.” Actually there isn’t any point in asking any of us. See going out breakfast would mean that the 3 of us would have to wake up early like about 8 or so. That’s the time when mom does marketing you see. Our normal waking hours on holidays/weekends:
1. Youngest sis: 9 to 930 am
2. Me: 10 to 1030 am
3. Second sis: 1030 to 11 am
So having to wake up for breakfast seem pretty much like a chore for us. Each specifically told dad what we wanted mom to buy for breakfast. Probably a miscommunication occurred between my parents because my mom ended up buying different food for everyone. So imagine how agitated my parents were when each daughter came down at a half hourly interval and go “ Why did you buy this? Where’s my breakfast?” So mom blames dad and dad blames mom. It was hilarious. Then dad ccommented he is going to move out of this house and be a bachelor again. He can’t stand being surrounded by females. Too many complains he said. Mom thinks dad is aging. Blames it on his poor memory. Her next words? Wait till the grandchildren start appearing (yes I think the hint was meant for me). Then my dad would need to buy those small triple 5 note books to take breakfast/lunch/dinner order. Worse when each child/grandchild wants to eat a different thing. My mom was already foreseeing her future headache when she has to babysit her grandchildren. Give me a break.. That’s it. Enough of the grandchildren talk. I told my sisters to eat what my parents bought. Period!! If I hadn’t my mom would probably launch in to her criteria of potential sperm donors.
1. Youngest sis: 9 to 930 am
2. Me: 10 to 1030 am
3. Second sis: 1030 to 11 am
So having to wake up for breakfast seem pretty much like a chore for us. Each specifically told dad what we wanted mom to buy for breakfast. Probably a miscommunication occurred between my parents because my mom ended up buying different food for everyone. So imagine how agitated my parents were when each daughter came down at a half hourly interval and go “ Why did you buy this? Where’s my breakfast?” So mom blames dad and dad blames mom. It was hilarious. Then dad ccommented he is going to move out of this house and be a bachelor again. He can’t stand being surrounded by females. Too many complains he said. Mom thinks dad is aging. Blames it on his poor memory. Her next words? Wait till the grandchildren start appearing (yes I think the hint was meant for me). Then my dad would need to buy those small triple 5 note books to take breakfast/lunch/dinner order. Worse when each child/grandchild wants to eat a different thing. My mom was already foreseeing her future headache when she has to babysit her grandchildren. Give me a break.. That’s it. Enough of the grandchildren talk. I told my sisters to eat what my parents bought. Period!! If I hadn’t my mom would probably launch in to her criteria of potential sperm donors.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I should seriously consider turning this blog into an ‘Ask Thelma corner.’ Well this Thelma specializes on relationships. You see I always thought I can be a needy and demanding gf with my share of tantrums, tears, threats and what’s not. No I am not guilty admitting it because I can happily blame it on my hormones. A guy’s famous words ‘pretty girls are harder to handle.’ Yup my confidence is rocketing sky high when it comes to physical appearance. In my opinion, high estrogen level contributes to feminism or in other words beauty. And as we all know estrogen also causes mood swings. So viola!!! Does that explain why pretty girls and mood swings comes as a package? How about the old saying that beautiful girls want things their way? Hmm.. I would say 90% of the former and 10% of the latter. But now I realized how benign I am compare to other girls. From what I gather from friends, girls and guys alike, their experiences are far worst. Some examples:
1. A girl friend of mine cut up all her bf’s clothes after he broke up with her
2. Quarrels turn physical. They were hammering each other. That is a definitely no no for me.
3. After a fight, she cheated on him with a stranger.
4. She tore up all his work documents and road tax. Gasp.
5. Well one committed suicide. Sigh..
6. Her father whacked up the bf. Gosh…
7. Call the police. Hahaha..
8. Run away from home
9. Kick the bf out of the house.
10. Spike his drink with sleeping pills. What the hell for? Reduce fights?
11. Destroy his lap top
12. Puncture all 4 tyres of his car and then scratch it
Goodness. Suddenly my temper and tantrums pale in comparison with what other girls are capable of. Honestly I’m too soft. I doubt I would be able to do any of the above. My words can be harsh but the worst thing I have done? Slam the phone. How about guys? Guys tend to hurt the one they care most for. Most guys do not even realize this and think that they stop caring. The hurt inflicted is proportionate to the rejection and unappreciation they feel. Call it a self protective mechanism. Some examples accumulated from friends:
1. Raise their voice, cold, rude
2. Distant themselves, uncommunicative
3. Flirt/lust for other girls: cheat
4. Call for break up
5. Work/family becomes their priority instead
6. Commitment phobic
Though less dramatic, the hurt caused is equivalent. Well guys or girls, at the peak of anger, one would do almost anything just to hurt the other party. Many feel that using anger will get the other party to see things their way. No where close. Or you want the other party to feel the same pain that they caused us. Honestly is it worth it? The result not only is catastrophic, one would only end up regretting his/her actions or words later on. By then it’s too late for damage control.
1. A girl friend of mine cut up all her bf’s clothes after he broke up with her
2. Quarrels turn physical. They were hammering each other. That is a definitely no no for me.
3. After a fight, she cheated on him with a stranger.
4. She tore up all his work documents and road tax. Gasp.
5. Well one committed suicide. Sigh..
6. Her father whacked up the bf. Gosh…
7. Call the police. Hahaha..
8. Run away from home
9. Kick the bf out of the house.
10. Spike his drink with sleeping pills. What the hell for? Reduce fights?
11. Destroy his lap top
12. Puncture all 4 tyres of his car and then scratch it
Goodness. Suddenly my temper and tantrums pale in comparison with what other girls are capable of. Honestly I’m too soft. I doubt I would be able to do any of the above. My words can be harsh but the worst thing I have done? Slam the phone. How about guys? Guys tend to hurt the one they care most for. Most guys do not even realize this and think that they stop caring. The hurt inflicted is proportionate to the rejection and unappreciation they feel. Call it a self protective mechanism. Some examples accumulated from friends:
1. Raise their voice, cold, rude
2. Distant themselves, uncommunicative
3. Flirt/lust for other girls: cheat
4. Call for break up
5. Work/family becomes their priority instead
6. Commitment phobic
Though less dramatic, the hurt caused is equivalent. Well guys or girls, at the peak of anger, one would do almost anything just to hurt the other party. Many feel that using anger will get the other party to see things their way. No where close. Or you want the other party to feel the same pain that they caused us. Honestly is it worth it? The result not only is catastrophic, one would only end up regretting his/her actions or words later on. By then it’s too late for damage control.
I am your typical city girl, demanding, emotional and realistic. So I suppose with these reasons, guys tend to tell me their relationship problems. Well I think it’s pretty touching that friends trust you enough to share personal problems. Most of the time they are just looking for a girl’s point of view. Why their gf gets demanding, throw tantrums, ,expectations, PMS and gift ideas. Haha.. I am a good listener and what I hear is safely tucked away. I should probably declare myself a relationship therapist which of course am FOC. In fact this blog should just be turned into an all love affair state.
So today at Starbucks, a couple of us girls and guys were debating if couples should ever get back together once broken up? Up to them la!!! But some thought that it was a bad idea with all the resentment and problems. Hmm. Not too sure about that. Probably I beg to defer. If two people ever decide to work things out, well it only means that they are very much in love still. My point is forget the past. Isn’t the future that matters? hmm.. I did get back with an ex once months after calling it quits. I thought the second time around was much sweeter. We now knew the limits and what makes the other one happy. But we ended it anyhow because studies were our priorities then. Actually I wouldn’t even consider it getting back together or it’s a second chance thing. Consider it God’s trial. Eventually they realized that they were meant for each other.
Hehe.. it always happen to me. When I spot something that brings to my fancy in malls, I’ll be like.. “look around, maybe I’ll get something better.” And when I don’t I’ll purchase the first item, liking it even more.
So today at Starbucks, a couple of us girls and guys were debating if couples should ever get back together once broken up? Up to them la!!! But some thought that it was a bad idea with all the resentment and problems. Hmm. Not too sure about that. Probably I beg to defer. If two people ever decide to work things out, well it only means that they are very much in love still. My point is forget the past. Isn’t the future that matters? hmm.. I did get back with an ex once months after calling it quits. I thought the second time around was much sweeter. We now knew the limits and what makes the other one happy. But we ended it anyhow because studies were our priorities then. Actually I wouldn’t even consider it getting back together or it’s a second chance thing. Consider it God’s trial. Eventually they realized that they were meant for each other.
Hehe.. it always happen to me. When I spot something that brings to my fancy in malls, I’ll be like.. “look around, maybe I’ll get something better.” And when I don’t I’ll purchase the first item, liking it even more.
Ok ok before I start, Rahman called me a Florence nightingale. Aww.. so sweet. So tonight like any other Saturday night is family night. Tonight my dad wanted something low key and suggested mamaking. He is suffering from gouty arthritis of the right knee. My sisters are having their finals next week so they decided to take a rain check. NERDS!! I know I know.. Just because I am free now, I shouldn’t be mean. So I told my parents fine, we’ll go after my movie. I was watching ‘Failure to Launch.’ Anyone know the movie? It’s hilarious. It’s about this guy at his 30s was still staying with his parents. His mom who still had to do his laundry, cook his meals and clean his room. So fed up, his parents hired a girl to seduce him and get him to move out. And the rest as they say is history.
Right back to track.. so I went mamaking with my parents. Right after ordering my tosai (their popular brianni rice served with cashew nuts and raisins was out), I noticed this couple sitting on my right. No they are not good looking, the guy was erm..fat and the girl looked like she just finished clubbing at 10 pm. Anyway it was obvious there was a cold war going on. She looked pissed. He ignored her and ordered himself a nasi lemak tambah telur (explains his weight). He tucked into his food and I swear not once did he even glanced up to acknowledge her. She properly had 5 layers of foundation and it was still obvious she was sulking. Kinda feel sorry for her. Lucky for me, meals with previous bfs were always happy events. I’ll usually be gossiping and giggling the whole time through. If there were fights during meal time, I’ll probably have indigestion. Soon after the guy finished his meal, she got up and walked off. He didn’t chase after her that’s for sure. He continued enjoying his Teh O Ais. Trouble in paradise.
Then on my left side, came 2 guys. Probably about my age. They ordered 2 drinks and a plain roti canai. Well at first I didn’t give it much thought. By then my food came, tore 3 quarters of the tosai and passed it to my dad. On top of that he had half my mom’s chapatti and his roti kosong. I was happily picking on the remains and ordered another serving of fried chicken for myself. Yes my mom rolled her eyes. Out of the sudden, I think I must have choked on my food. The guys (adults by the way) were sitting side by side sharing the roti from the same plate using the same pair of fork and spoon. Goodness.. seriously I am all for free love. But even I would get an extra empty plate (usually a small one) when I pick on my bf’s or dad’s food. One guy then tucked the hair of the other behind the ears. *Fainted*
Ok you people must be thinking why in the world was I observing everyone around me? I can’t help it. My parents were engrossed with the football game displayed by the projector. I was left to find my own source of entertainment. What could be better than to see and be seen?
Right back to track.. so I went mamaking with my parents. Right after ordering my tosai (their popular brianni rice served with cashew nuts and raisins was out), I noticed this couple sitting on my right. No they are not good looking, the guy was erm..fat and the girl looked like she just finished clubbing at 10 pm. Anyway it was obvious there was a cold war going on. She looked pissed. He ignored her and ordered himself a nasi lemak tambah telur (explains his weight). He tucked into his food and I swear not once did he even glanced up to acknowledge her. She properly had 5 layers of foundation and it was still obvious she was sulking. Kinda feel sorry for her. Lucky for me, meals with previous bfs were always happy events. I’ll usually be gossiping and giggling the whole time through. If there were fights during meal time, I’ll probably have indigestion. Soon after the guy finished his meal, she got up and walked off. He didn’t chase after her that’s for sure. He continued enjoying his Teh O Ais. Trouble in paradise.
Then on my left side, came 2 guys. Probably about my age. They ordered 2 drinks and a plain roti canai. Well at first I didn’t give it much thought. By then my food came, tore 3 quarters of the tosai and passed it to my dad. On top of that he had half my mom’s chapatti and his roti kosong. I was happily picking on the remains and ordered another serving of fried chicken for myself. Yes my mom rolled her eyes. Out of the sudden, I think I must have choked on my food. The guys (adults by the way) were sitting side by side sharing the roti from the same plate using the same pair of fork and spoon. Goodness.. seriously I am all for free love. But even I would get an extra empty plate (usually a small one) when I pick on my bf’s or dad’s food. One guy then tucked the hair of the other behind the ears. *Fainted*
Ok you people must be thinking why in the world was I observing everyone around me? I can’t help it. My parents were engrossed with the football game displayed by the projector. I was left to find my own source of entertainment. What could be better than to see and be seen?
Sigh.. the gastric problem is back. Must be the excessive alcohol consumption of late. The only medication that works is omeprazole and I am running short of it. ughh..
My normal hair maintenance routine (which is about every 3 to 4 days once )includes:
1. Putting on hair mask
2. Steam it with a hot towel
3. Sit in front of the TV for 45 mins waiting for the mask to work
4. Rinse my hair followed by washing and conditioning
5. Sit in front of a stand fan for another 15 mins to dry my hair
6. Application of moisturizer
7. Brushing it straight
When my hair used to be curly, step 7 was unnecessary. So today my mother was like, “You are crazy. Cut your hair and it’ll save you all the trouble.” Cut my long precious hair? That’s suicide. Even if I am so busy during internship that I won’t have time to do the above or wash my hair, I’m so still not going to cut it. Trimming if needed cut no. I’ll pack along leave on hair shampoo for on calls if I have to. I miss my curly hair. So it’s already a huge sacrifice for me to straighten it with work in mind. More manageable for you people who might wonder why. Plus it was already damage anyhow (work related). Not that I don’t look good in straight hair of course. Haha..
Hmm.. I haven’t been to gym for the last couple of days. My thighs and triceps are getting erm… untone. Laziness..
1. Putting on hair mask
2. Steam it with a hot towel
3. Sit in front of the TV for 45 mins waiting for the mask to work
4. Rinse my hair followed by washing and conditioning
5. Sit in front of a stand fan for another 15 mins to dry my hair
6. Application of moisturizer
7. Brushing it straight
When my hair used to be curly, step 7 was unnecessary. So today my mother was like, “You are crazy. Cut your hair and it’ll save you all the trouble.” Cut my long precious hair? That’s suicide. Even if I am so busy during internship that I won’t have time to do the above or wash my hair, I’m so still not going to cut it. Trimming if needed cut no. I’ll pack along leave on hair shampoo for on calls if I have to. I miss my curly hair. So it’s already a huge sacrifice for me to straighten it with work in mind. More manageable for you people who might wonder why. Plus it was already damage anyhow (work related). Not that I don’t look good in straight hair of course. Haha..
Hmm.. I haven’t been to gym for the last couple of days. My thighs and triceps are getting erm… untone. Laziness..
Haha.. I was asked on various attempts why I avoid writing about it. Well because there really isn’t much to be said. Firstly I think for me, to be able to do freelancing first do away with the stage fright and public speaking. Well you might ask where is the relevance? There is at least on my personal opinion. It helps get rid with self conscience. I think it started back off when I was 6 in kindy school. It was the year end concert and I was to give a speech. At the tender age of 6 years, I have then already discovered the technique of looking straight back at the auditorium’s wall, smile and talk as if you are addressing the entire crowd of spectators. This was followed by a waltz performance. My partner who was another scrawny 6 years old in nervousness punched me in the stomach and then step me on the foot all in one dance. The best part of it all, I did not even flinched and completed the dance without so much of a mistake.
By the age of 10 the whole gang of us girls (who are all still the greatest of friends today and probably till death do us part) were in cheerleading. Then our school held an audition for the Kanak- Kanak Angkasapuri children program. Does anyone remember the cartoon character Ah Long? At that time a few of us were singing solo during auditions and before we knew it, smiling, talking away in front of cameras and lightings. Thinking back I have no idea where I found the guts to sing solo in front of a group of talent scouts, teachers and students.
When I first started off in sem 10, DR. K (my respect for him is tremendous for he was one of those who helped draw my future path to be an obstetrician) was saying that I should have continued freelancing. The money would have been better. Probably.. but the competition, the stress and working hours in not as glamorous as many would think it is. Most importantly my passion lies with medicine. I had always wanted to be a practicing clinician more than anything else in this world. Not the click, click, flash, flash lifestyle. Especially when one has to wear winter clothes in our hot weather or skimpy outfits in air con rooms. Well enough is enough. The experience that came with it includes being able to do my own make up now and carry myself well. Even that, one tends to appreciate the fresh clean matt look after having put tons of make ups ever so frequent. But till today dressing and colour combination are two important aspects in life for me. I admit I do tend to judge others or rather my first impression falls with a person’s dressing. So ya girls giving me that haughty I’m much prettier look or ex bfs (not necessary mine) going for pretty girls in spiteful revenge has no effect on me at all. When one is so used to the presence of good looking people around, then you realize that beauty is only skin deep. Well of course that does not mean I chose to be the next ugly Betty. No where near. If given a choice in life? I would have still chose the same path and be a doctor. The work is more gratifying. And I’ll probably make the same mistakes over again too.
By the age of 10 the whole gang of us girls (who are all still the greatest of friends today and probably till death do us part) were in cheerleading. Then our school held an audition for the Kanak- Kanak Angkasapuri children program. Does anyone remember the cartoon character Ah Long? At that time a few of us were singing solo during auditions and before we knew it, smiling, talking away in front of cameras and lightings. Thinking back I have no idea where I found the guts to sing solo in front of a group of talent scouts, teachers and students.
When I first started off in sem 10, DR. K (my respect for him is tremendous for he was one of those who helped draw my future path to be an obstetrician) was saying that I should have continued freelancing. The money would have been better. Probably.. but the competition, the stress and working hours in not as glamorous as many would think it is. Most importantly my passion lies with medicine. I had always wanted to be a practicing clinician more than anything else in this world. Not the click, click, flash, flash lifestyle. Especially when one has to wear winter clothes in our hot weather or skimpy outfits in air con rooms. Well enough is enough. The experience that came with it includes being able to do my own make up now and carry myself well. Even that, one tends to appreciate the fresh clean matt look after having put tons of make ups ever so frequent. But till today dressing and colour combination are two important aspects in life for me. I admit I do tend to judge others or rather my first impression falls with a person’s dressing. So ya girls giving me that haughty I’m much prettier look or ex bfs (not necessary mine) going for pretty girls in spiteful revenge has no effect on me at all. When one is so used to the presence of good looking people around, then you realize that beauty is only skin deep. Well of course that does not mean I chose to be the next ugly Betty. No where near. If given a choice in life? I would have still chose the same path and be a doctor. The work is more gratifying. And I’ll probably make the same mistakes over again too.
I like weekdays better. Work, shop, club, my favourite TV shows are all on the weekdays. When the weekends come I am just cornered to my room aimless and bored out of my skull. Weekends are the worst time to shop cause of the traffic and crowd, ladies night is on weekdays and there is absolutely nothing to watch on ASTRO. BORING!!!
I am already planning my next getaway.BALI!! Doubt there would be time to go anytime soon. Hopefully I’ll be able to take some time off next year to do it. Be it with friends, family or a special someone. We’ll see.. hmm.. what lake was it? Was it Bako or Bato? I don’t recall. Got to know this little piece of information from another volunteer in HOSPIS. There’s a golf course located up on a volcano. An inactive one I presume. Anyway it is ranked one the most beautiful course in the world. So when this guy (the volunteer) said he is spending the entire holiday in the villa, I was like “ what in the world for??.” Go sight seeing la for goodness sake. Or down to the pub by the beaches and hang out with the Aussies. It seems that the villa provides 4 hours of free massage daily for couples. And the interesting bit? Different kind of body massage each time. Plus meals are prepared by locals in your villa. All you have to do is tell them what you wanna eat. They would then do the marketing and prepare thejc bh dishes right in front of your eyes. So basically each couple is entitled to their own massage masseurs and chef. Interesting huh? Have anyone seen the villas in Bali? Check out the latest addition of Haven magazine. It’s absolutely breathtaking. As long as a tsunami doesn’t wash up ashore. A note to myself, I have to get back to him and check out how much that holiday cost him.
Talking about the Haven magazine, I was just idolizing about my future dream home. It would be filled with mirrors. Doorways, the master bedroom, the bathroom and maybe on the refrigerator door. Haha.. the other half of the refrigerator door will have an incorporated TV for the maid. A walk in wardrobe, a piano, plasma TV, pool table, wine rack, a giant bath tub are all necessities. Will definitely pick out my own door, floor and tiles. I have this thing for hard wood. The heavier the door the better. I love gardens and ponds but absolutely detest gardening. So that we’ll see.. Two doggies : a big one outside and a toy pup inside. Well I can day dream cant I.. with the mere income of a government servant, looks like I better hunt for a rich other half before I can have my dream home. Damm..
Ultimately I still stay by my tagline, don’t find a person you can live with but find a person that you can’t live without. Some girls have tons of admirers and some guys date/ flirt/ lust for tons of girls. But eventually they are all people we can live with. And also live without. They come and go. How do we know? Can you imagine having children with someone and then holding his/her hands at the age of 80? Then you probably found him/her. Screw the dream home. Happiness can’t be measured by materialistic wealth.
I am already planning my next getaway.BALI!! Doubt there would be time to go anytime soon. Hopefully I’ll be able to take some time off next year to do it. Be it with friends, family or a special someone. We’ll see.. hmm.. what lake was it? Was it Bako or Bato? I don’t recall. Got to know this little piece of information from another volunteer in HOSPIS. There’s a golf course located up on a volcano. An inactive one I presume. Anyway it is ranked one the most beautiful course in the world. So when this guy (the volunteer) said he is spending the entire holiday in the villa, I was like “ what in the world for??.” Go sight seeing la for goodness sake. Or down to the pub by the beaches and hang out with the Aussies. It seems that the villa provides 4 hours of free massage daily for couples. And the interesting bit? Different kind of body massage each time. Plus meals are prepared by locals in your villa. All you have to do is tell them what you wanna eat. They would then do the marketing and prepare thejc bh dishes right in front of your eyes. So basically each couple is entitled to their own massage masseurs and chef. Interesting huh? Have anyone seen the villas in Bali? Check out the latest addition of Haven magazine. It’s absolutely breathtaking. As long as a tsunami doesn’t wash up ashore. A note to myself, I have to get back to him and check out how much that holiday cost him.
Talking about the Haven magazine, I was just idolizing about my future dream home. It would be filled with mirrors. Doorways, the master bedroom, the bathroom and maybe on the refrigerator door. Haha.. the other half of the refrigerator door will have an incorporated TV for the maid. A walk in wardrobe, a piano, plasma TV, pool table, wine rack, a giant bath tub are all necessities. Will definitely pick out my own door, floor and tiles. I have this thing for hard wood. The heavier the door the better. I love gardens and ponds but absolutely detest gardening. So that we’ll see.. Two doggies : a big one outside and a toy pup inside. Well I can day dream cant I.. with the mere income of a government servant, looks like I better hunt for a rich other half before I can have my dream home. Damm..
Ultimately I still stay by my tagline, don’t find a person you can live with but find a person that you can’t live without. Some girls have tons of admirers and some guys date/ flirt/ lust for tons of girls. But eventually they are all people we can live with. And also live without. They come and go. How do we know? Can you imagine having children with someone and then holding his/her hands at the age of 80? Then you probably found him/her. Screw the dream home. Happiness can’t be measured by materialistic wealth.
The stories of Penan girls alleged to be sexually abused are splashed across all papers nation wide. Star paper highlighted the issue a couple of days back. I really am dense no ignorant. Maybe this is a result of me staying in the urban areas (KL is a metropolis soon to be megalopolis I think) for the last 24 years. Never knew that girls were still being exploited this way in our country right under our nose. Here I thought that such acts only occur in countries that are less developed. It’s really a shame. All these young girls are asking for is a ride to school. It would take a week if they were to go on foot. Whatever it is, MCA Wanita and the NGO bodies should really investigate if the allegations are true. I am sure the logging companies do not condone such acts so catch the culprits. At times like this I really am thankful for the life I am leading now. I shouldn’t be complaining so much.
A couple of friends commented on my post entitled Men vs women. Something about the scenarios being very true but I am not practicing it myself. What can I say? It is easier practicing certain things when your other half is around. Different when it boils down to a long distance relationship. Ok bad enough it is a LDR and in addition one is dating a houseman. (the only thing I am thinking now is of a double cheese burger with double the cholesterol.. nvm I know it’s lame) No No I am not blaming anyone. A job as a houseman is no easy task and I think he did fabulous (if the stories he told me were true and I have a photographic memory, it has seen me tru medical school). Ask either one of us a year ago and we probably tell you that we have the entire future planned ahead. The only thing I probably couldn’t stand was his sentence “ our kids would have your looks but my brains.” I know I am hot but he thought I was a bimbo or something.
Well today I can say I am pretty proud of myself. I juggled my first LDR for a year in the midst of stress of graduating. It is different if your boy/girlfriend is another undergrad pursuing his/her studies abroad. Try dating a junior doctor over the oceans. For a whole year we fought over one thing only. Yup LDR and nothing else. Thinking back, why didn’t we get sick of fighting over the same thing? By the end of the road (regardless who called it quits first), it must have been partially a relief for both. The tantrums, the harsh words, threats and tears were silent killers.
Too much has happen I suppose. The pain felt by both sides was because the feelings ran deep. Read men vs women scenario 3. The comments from friends ranges from, “you guys are so cute”, “ but you both are so vain, it fits” , “what happens to JJ, he gets to travel btw KK n KL now? ” and “you have too much in common: both egoistical and stubborn.” Well it’s the last that hits. It’s very true. Either that or haven’t you notice that a good looking partner always settle down with a less good looking half. When you have a cute couple, well you’ll probably end up fighting who’s better looking. Haha.. I’ll definitely win. He’ll make a good husband and daddy to whoever, that I am very sure.
Well things ended on a sour note but he’s a great guy and I have my respect for him even till now. Though I choose to tell him otherwise just to get back for the lack of attention. Half a year ago, if you had asked me, I would say that I love him crazy still. But now yeah it’s respect that I have. I really hope I pretty much don’t have to go through LDR again but if I have to (when the next one come along and it’ll be the last), then I am sure I can deal with it so much better. Check out my new year’s resolutions. Yup I would definitely be a sweeter gf . I hate fights. It depresses me. And these few months, a lot of new friendships were forged. Having joined HOSPIS was one of the best decisions I made. See its funny. If things were how they used to be, I would be in KK splurging money like a bimbo for 2 months. I would have not met these people. Funny how God works. So really I have no regrets it begin or ended. Am I over it? Yes, long ago. Will we ever get back? We are at 2 ends of the country. What’s more? I have no idea where the future will take me. Not even sure if I want to settle down in KL, KK or Msia for that matter. Grabbing every opportunity for the sake of my career is the upmost priority now. Plus it’s my turn working day and night. So my answer stays, Let it be God’s will.
Well today I can say I am pretty proud of myself. I juggled my first LDR for a year in the midst of stress of graduating. It is different if your boy/girlfriend is another undergrad pursuing his/her studies abroad. Try dating a junior doctor over the oceans. For a whole year we fought over one thing only. Yup LDR and nothing else. Thinking back, why didn’t we get sick of fighting over the same thing? By the end of the road (regardless who called it quits first), it must have been partially a relief for both. The tantrums, the harsh words, threats and tears were silent killers.
Too much has happen I suppose. The pain felt by both sides was because the feelings ran deep. Read men vs women scenario 3. The comments from friends ranges from, “you guys are so cute”, “ but you both are so vain, it fits” , “what happens to JJ, he gets to travel btw KK n KL now? ” and “you have too much in common: both egoistical and stubborn.” Well it’s the last that hits. It’s very true. Either that or haven’t you notice that a good looking partner always settle down with a less good looking half. When you have a cute couple, well you’ll probably end up fighting who’s better looking. Haha.. I’ll definitely win. He’ll make a good husband and daddy to whoever, that I am very sure.
Well things ended on a sour note but he’s a great guy and I have my respect for him even till now. Though I choose to tell him otherwise just to get back for the lack of attention. Half a year ago, if you had asked me, I would say that I love him crazy still. But now yeah it’s respect that I have. I really hope I pretty much don’t have to go through LDR again but if I have to (when the next one come along and it’ll be the last), then I am sure I can deal with it so much better. Check out my new year’s resolutions. Yup I would definitely be a sweeter gf . I hate fights. It depresses me. And these few months, a lot of new friendships were forged. Having joined HOSPIS was one of the best decisions I made. See its funny. If things were how they used to be, I would be in KK splurging money like a bimbo for 2 months. I would have not met these people. Funny how God works. So really I have no regrets it begin or ended. Am I over it? Yes, long ago. Will we ever get back? We are at 2 ends of the country. What’s more? I have no idea where the future will take me. Not even sure if I want to settle down in KL, KK or Msia for that matter. Grabbing every opportunity for the sake of my career is the upmost priority now. Plus it’s my turn working day and night. So my answer stays, Let it be God’s will.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Yeah yeah… it’s too early to make my 2009 New Year’s resolutions but hey it’s only 2 months away or so. Hence in no specific order my resolutions would be:
1. Maybe get out of KL for a couple of years. I need a more laid back lifestyle. I can already hear the gasps from everyone. It is so congested here. Ughh..
2. Give myself 6 years to do O&G at my own pace locally. My next 2 options would probably be paeds or psy if the first fail of course.
3. Hmm.. I’ll be a more loving gf and a gorgeous one too. The next relationship would be the last. Blek.. Which will then lead to my diamond ring and garden wedding. Muahahha..
4. Start learning up on investments (shares, unit trust..) and getting my finance organized.
5. Getting a Pekingese pup.. after I get settled down with internship and new place of course.
6. A new car within the next 2 years or so. I need something smaller and personal. I’ll leave the purchase of a big family car to my future hubby.
7. A dragon baby in 2008?? Well we’ll see.. Just the thought of running out of shape and I might postpone this resolution. Hehe..
8. Stop getting my hair coloured no matter how strong the urge is. I want straight thick long healthy BLACK hair for a change.
9. Stop splurging in malls. I really do think I am suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.
1. Maybe get out of KL for a couple of years. I need a more laid back lifestyle. I can already hear the gasps from everyone. It is so congested here. Ughh..
2. Give myself 6 years to do O&G at my own pace locally. My next 2 options would probably be paeds or psy if the first fail of course.
3. Hmm.. I’ll be a more loving gf and a gorgeous one too. The next relationship would be the last. Blek.. Which will then lead to my diamond ring and garden wedding. Muahahha..
4. Start learning up on investments (shares, unit trust..) and getting my finance organized.
5. Getting a Pekingese pup.. after I get settled down with internship and new place of course.
6. A new car within the next 2 years or so. I need something smaller and personal. I’ll leave the purchase of a big family car to my future hubby.
7. A dragon baby in 2008?? Well we’ll see.. Just the thought of running out of shape and I might postpone this resolution. Hehe..
8. Stop getting my hair coloured no matter how strong the urge is. I want straight thick long healthy BLACK hair for a change.
9. Stop splurging in malls. I really do think I am suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.
You know ever since graduation, I have been travelling a bit be it for work or a retreat. But do I get to go off with a peace of mind? The answer is a blunt NO! See the thing is we have too many pets at home. A male mix breed Ah Fu, a female mix breed Muffin, my male terrapin Coco, my mom’s fishes (nameless and I don’t go gawking at them) and the dearest to me would be my baby boy JJ. To go off each time, we have to ensure that each is properly fed, bathed and poo poo.. One week away in KK, I was practically calling home each night to ensure that JJ was fed by my sister and of course in the right portion. Since he tends to drink excessively one moment and then fast the next couple of days depending on his sanity, his bowel output tends to be a little erratic at times. So I need to have that sorted out to. My mom will see to the other pets. When the family was away in Penang, the maid was to see to the pets’ needs. Unfortunately she had only seen to the dogs while the terrapin and fishy must have been starving for a couple of days. Lucky for JJ, his food was stocked enough to last him through winter (if that had existed in our country that is).
Many people has always been curious.. Why am I so attached to JJ? Well he is after all only a hamster as most would claim. True but see hamsters usually have an average life span of a year. My boy is now 1 half years and counting. A, an ex housemate in BP was declaring that hamsters have no sense of attachment to humans. Well time after time I have proven her wrong. Firstly JJ is pretty much attention seeking. Well he probably inherited that from me. He gets depressed if nobody bothers playing with him for more than a day. Being a male, he has no regards for other male family members. He only likes female family members. The funny thing is he tends to sense my mood swings. See I have this tendency to nag him. If he senses my displeasure he gives this ‘ I am innocent look’ (wide eyes, ears down). Even if he is only a hamster, he eats like a PIG! And he is very particular about the brands of hamster food I buy. Ask my mom and you’ll know I am not lying. He rather starve then eat anything he dislikes. Anything with peanut butter is out of the question. Chocs, cheese and carrots are his favourite. Well as mentioned before he does have an attitude. That he inherited it elsewhere.
Anyway I discover a place in Sunway that provides hotel facilities for hamsters. Cool huh? Well it costs RM 11 per day. There they ensure that hamsters get a proper diet. Ears and furs are checked too. They also do tick and fleas prevention. For hamsters!!! Impressive huh? So that tells me the next time I go travelling my boy is getting boarded there. A get away for him and a relief for me. Well he never knows who he meets there right?? wink wink.. Nope I aint gonna be held responsible for any offsprings produce though.
Many people has always been curious.. Why am I so attached to JJ? Well he is after all only a hamster as most would claim. True but see hamsters usually have an average life span of a year. My boy is now 1 half years and counting. A, an ex housemate in BP was declaring that hamsters have no sense of attachment to humans. Well time after time I have proven her wrong. Firstly JJ is pretty much attention seeking. Well he probably inherited that from me. He gets depressed if nobody bothers playing with him for more than a day. Being a male, he has no regards for other male family members. He only likes female family members. The funny thing is he tends to sense my mood swings. See I have this tendency to nag him. If he senses my displeasure he gives this ‘ I am innocent look’ (wide eyes, ears down). Even if he is only a hamster, he eats like a PIG! And he is very particular about the brands of hamster food I buy. Ask my mom and you’ll know I am not lying. He rather starve then eat anything he dislikes. Anything with peanut butter is out of the question. Chocs, cheese and carrots are his favourite. Well as mentioned before he does have an attitude. That he inherited it elsewhere.
Anyway I discover a place in Sunway that provides hotel facilities for hamsters. Cool huh? Well it costs RM 11 per day. There they ensure that hamsters get a proper diet. Ears and furs are checked too. They also do tick and fleas prevention. For hamsters!!! Impressive huh? So that tells me the next time I go travelling my boy is getting boarded there. A get away for him and a relief for me. Well he never knows who he meets there right?? wink wink.. Nope I aint gonna be held responsible for any offsprings produce though.
Last week clubbing was cancelled because every other one was busy and I was in Penang. It was suppose to be the SSM Form 5 Science gang reunion kinda thing. Got another offer to club this week but feeling below the weather at the moment. It’s the time of the month.. ughh.. I just want to lie beneath the blanket and hibernate. I am feeling bloated like a polar bear. Sigh.. I have yet to try MOS (Ministry of Sound). Some said it’s pretty good. Just the thought of not being able to have a decent sleep for the next 2 years makes me want to sleep all I can now. My only worry? Having to readjust my biological clock when time comes. Been having insomnia for the last 2 nights. Must be the health cum beauty drink that my mom made me take. I practically needed clippers to keep my eyes open in HOSPIS today. Thank goodness for WT’s endless jokes and my future MIL’s popular home brewed coffee. Its’ to die for.
Another reason for not clubbing is to catch Amazing Race Asia Season 3. Oliver and Mai were finally eliminated today. Thank goodness. You know what I think? Couples looking for a break up should seriously take on this race. Have anyone watched the way the married couple fought in season 2? God help them. Tish and Geoff in Season 3. Personally I think they are cute minus the squabbles of course. But hey they are hanging on pretty well. Hmm.. as much as the race is already over, still pretty much hoping that Bernie and Henry would be the champs. I can sense a flu coming. Off to look for anti histamines.
Another reason for not clubbing is to catch Amazing Race Asia Season 3. Oliver and Mai were finally eliminated today. Thank goodness. You know what I think? Couples looking for a break up should seriously take on this race. Have anyone watched the way the married couple fought in season 2? God help them. Tish and Geoff in Season 3. Personally I think they are cute minus the squabbles of course. But hey they are hanging on pretty well. Hmm.. as much as the race is already over, still pretty much hoping that Bernie and Henry would be the champs. I can sense a flu coming. Off to look for anti histamines.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yup said that I’ll write a post on this. The facts are mostly from the book, ‘men are from mars and women are from venus’. Some of it is from me of course. Possessed the book for ages but never given it much thought till KC brought the topic up. I was like “need meh? “. According to her even if it’s not for the current relationship, we’ll be better gfs for the next. Haha.. but I do hope all ends well for her in the current one. Anyway the book tells us how different men and women are. All couples fight, cheat and break up for the same reasons. Which girl is not emotional and which guy is not cold plus detached when problems arise? So when things do not work out between you and your other half be relieve to know that million other couples face the same problems daily. We (me inclusive) tend to forget that we are dealing with the opposite gender and yet we expect them to response and behave like us.
Wow.. I sound like a therapist. Whoohoot…. So here are a few examples:
1. Girl: you don’t call, reply messages.. y cant u jus talk to me?
Boy: you are needy, demanding.. u weren’t like this before.
Is this familiar? See when problem arises or upset, a girl needs to talk about her problems to release her inner stress. Girls think its caring to share and talk about their problems together. Guys on the other hand would not burden another male with his problems. Macho mah… They keep their problems to themselves and solve them alone. Asking a guy to talk is like asking a girl not to be emotional. See why they end up fighting?
2. Girls when they pour out their problems, they are not asking for solutions. They just need to be heard. On the other hand, guys would never do that. They only talk to their male counterpart if they need help/solutions. So when a girl complains to a guy and he starts offering advices/solutions, she’ll get upset with him. She’ll complain, “you are not listening..” Then he’ll feel rejected and unappreciated. Vicious cycle wei..
3. A guy comes back home exhausted from work. He is too tired to acknowledge his gf. In his opinion, he has given his share in the relationship by working hard. In her opinion, he has contributed nothing yet because he’s not talking to her. When she starts being sweet and caring, guy will think he has contributed enough and it’s her turn now. Resentment builds because she feels she is the only one working on the relationship. To her he has not done anything yet. When she finally snaps, he doesn’t understand why….
4. A girl’s common complaint: ‘ you used to be so sweet. You completely change now. You don’t love me anymore’. See that is the thing about guys. They can be intimate at one moment and very cold the next. Well it’s not cause he stops loving you but that’s just guys being themselves. They need their space. Once gotten it they are back being their loving self. So ignore them and go shopping, gossping with your girlfriends ;) Guys on the other hand complains ‘ my gf is happy one minute and temperamental the next’. Just like you we have our hormone change too. Its not because we are blaming you or anything, it’s a girl thing. Listen to us complain but don’t get too affected by it and we will think u r the best bf on planet earth for being so understanding.
5. After a break up, a girl tend to be pickier of her next choice of boyfriend. She doesn’t want somebody who is going to ignore her again. Truth is, the cycle will repeat because men are all the same. Guys on the other hand will get involve back faster with another girl but they might not offer commitment. So girls don’t get too upset if your ex is busy flirting.. Love is no miracle it’s predictable.
6. The more emotional a girl is or rather if she is always upset with her bf, well it only means that she cares. When a girl’s calls or tantrums reduce drastically, then it’s time for a guy to really start worrying. It’s essential just to hear her bf’s voice (even if it’s only 2 mins) daily. It provides security to her. So if she can live without your voice anything more than a week, it means she has given up and ready to move on with life without you in it. She is not waiting for you to call her back. That only happens in the first 24 hours. What many guys are not aware is that a 2 min call daily can motivate a gf to give back in a relationship 100 folds.
7. Have you realized that as a relationship progress, a girl gets needier and demanding while a guy gets more cold and detached?? Well one causes the other. It’s the chicken and egg theory thing. She demands more attention cuz he keeps demanding for freedom. Or he needs space becuz she demands more now that they in an exclusive relationship. Well, either way if couples can see that this is a natural phenomenon in all relationships, less problems would arise.
These are some of the many examples how both gender differ. A note to guys: eveytime your gfs talk/ complain/ cry/ throw tantrum, pretend to listen (you can tune her off, she wont know) and say ‘u poor thing’ (although u r clueless abt wht she is upset abt) and u’ll be the best bf ever. A note to girls: when your bfs are upset and cold, ignore him (go shopping, gossip, he doesn’t have to know). Guys like what they cant have anyway.. don’t offer words/ solutions or talk too much. They don’t appreciate it. Once he’s a happier person, praise and admire him for being so independent.. He’ll be one happy man.
Many a time love is not lost. It’s the resentment that has blinded them and it may take months if not years to make it go away. Longer if you are both are all out to hurt each other in hope to get back what you think the other has done to you. That is why months or years later, you suddenly think of him/her. But by then it’s too late cuz he/she is happily settled down plus kids with someone who knows the secret of putting up with them. Then you’ll curse ‘ Damm, the kid should have my face’. Praying that the perfect girl/guy who has it all – looks/ money/ status quo/ attitude – to walk through your living room… You have a better chance striking lottery wei.. Lifelong commitment follows those that withstand these problems (seriously if a relationship has no problems then its time to doubt your partner’s love). But most ppl give up too easily. Hmm.. I am one of these people. As said a soul mate is one who you choose to spend your life with. There really isn’t any red strings tied to our ankles. If all these are too tough to digest, there is always the option of staying solo. *WINK*
Wow.. I sound like a therapist. Whoohoot…. So here are a few examples:
1. Girl: you don’t call, reply messages.. y cant u jus talk to me?
Boy: you are needy, demanding.. u weren’t like this before.
Is this familiar? See when problem arises or upset, a girl needs to talk about her problems to release her inner stress. Girls think its caring to share and talk about their problems together. Guys on the other hand would not burden another male with his problems. Macho mah… They keep their problems to themselves and solve them alone. Asking a guy to talk is like asking a girl not to be emotional. See why they end up fighting?
2. Girls when they pour out their problems, they are not asking for solutions. They just need to be heard. On the other hand, guys would never do that. They only talk to their male counterpart if they need help/solutions. So when a girl complains to a guy and he starts offering advices/solutions, she’ll get upset with him. She’ll complain, “you are not listening..” Then he’ll feel rejected and unappreciated. Vicious cycle wei..
3. A guy comes back home exhausted from work. He is too tired to acknowledge his gf. In his opinion, he has given his share in the relationship by working hard. In her opinion, he has contributed nothing yet because he’s not talking to her. When she starts being sweet and caring, guy will think he has contributed enough and it’s her turn now. Resentment builds because she feels she is the only one working on the relationship. To her he has not done anything yet. When she finally snaps, he doesn’t understand why….
4. A girl’s common complaint: ‘ you used to be so sweet. You completely change now. You don’t love me anymore’. See that is the thing about guys. They can be intimate at one moment and very cold the next. Well it’s not cause he stops loving you but that’s just guys being themselves. They need their space. Once gotten it they are back being their loving self. So ignore them and go shopping, gossping with your girlfriends ;) Guys on the other hand complains ‘ my gf is happy one minute and temperamental the next’. Just like you we have our hormone change too. Its not because we are blaming you or anything, it’s a girl thing. Listen to us complain but don’t get too affected by it and we will think u r the best bf on planet earth for being so understanding.
5. After a break up, a girl tend to be pickier of her next choice of boyfriend. She doesn’t want somebody who is going to ignore her again. Truth is, the cycle will repeat because men are all the same. Guys on the other hand will get involve back faster with another girl but they might not offer commitment. So girls don’t get too upset if your ex is busy flirting.. Love is no miracle it’s predictable.
6. The more emotional a girl is or rather if she is always upset with her bf, well it only means that she cares. When a girl’s calls or tantrums reduce drastically, then it’s time for a guy to really start worrying. It’s essential just to hear her bf’s voice (even if it’s only 2 mins) daily. It provides security to her. So if she can live without your voice anything more than a week, it means she has given up and ready to move on with life without you in it. She is not waiting for you to call her back. That only happens in the first 24 hours. What many guys are not aware is that a 2 min call daily can motivate a gf to give back in a relationship 100 folds.
7. Have you realized that as a relationship progress, a girl gets needier and demanding while a guy gets more cold and detached?? Well one causes the other. It’s the chicken and egg theory thing. She demands more attention cuz he keeps demanding for freedom. Or he needs space becuz she demands more now that they in an exclusive relationship. Well, either way if couples can see that this is a natural phenomenon in all relationships, less problems would arise.
These are some of the many examples how both gender differ. A note to guys: eveytime your gfs talk/ complain/ cry/ throw tantrum, pretend to listen (you can tune her off, she wont know) and say ‘u poor thing’ (although u r clueless abt wht she is upset abt) and u’ll be the best bf ever. A note to girls: when your bfs are upset and cold, ignore him (go shopping, gossip, he doesn’t have to know). Guys like what they cant have anyway.. don’t offer words/ solutions or talk too much. They don’t appreciate it. Once he’s a happier person, praise and admire him for being so independent.. He’ll be one happy man.
Many a time love is not lost. It’s the resentment that has blinded them and it may take months if not years to make it go away. Longer if you are both are all out to hurt each other in hope to get back what you think the other has done to you. That is why months or years later, you suddenly think of him/her. But by then it’s too late cuz he/she is happily settled down plus kids with someone who knows the secret of putting up with them. Then you’ll curse ‘ Damm, the kid should have my face’. Praying that the perfect girl/guy who has it all – looks/ money/ status quo/ attitude – to walk through your living room… You have a better chance striking lottery wei.. Lifelong commitment follows those that withstand these problems (seriously if a relationship has no problems then its time to doubt your partner’s love). But most ppl give up too easily. Hmm.. I am one of these people. As said a soul mate is one who you choose to spend your life with. There really isn’t any red strings tied to our ankles. If all these are too tough to digest, there is always the option of staying solo. *WINK*
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